Monthly Archives: October 2016

The Wizard and Those Darned Flying Monkeys!

The Daily News Fix

ozThis political cycle reminds me of the movie, The Wizard of Oz… that scene when the identity of the Wizard is revealed… “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I am the Great and Powerful Oz”.  Well we all know who the political Wizard is…..the Main Stream Media(MSM) and establishment politicians. The curtain has been pulled back.

Donald J. Trump is the ONLY candidate to have fearlessly looked them all in the eye and expose them for what they are…. what they engage in is nothing more than political prostitution! They are profiting from our losses. Playing poker with our lives!


If Hillary Clinton is elevated to the office of the Presidency of these united States of America we can hang it up folks! The media and establishment politicians would rather usher in the crony Clinton machine so as to not disturb their current balance of power and level of comfort. 

Meanwhile “We The People”…

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The Wizard and Those Darned Flying Monkeys!

ozThis political cycle reminds me of the movie, The Wizard of Oz… that scene when the identity of the Wizard is revealed… “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I am the Great and Powerful Oz”.  Well we all know who the political Wizard is…..the Main Stream Media(MSM) and establishment politicians. The curtain has been pulled back.

Donald J. Trump is the ONLY candidate to have fearlessly looked them all in the eye and expose them for what they are…. what they engage in is nothing more than political prostitution! They are profiting from our losses. Playing poker with our lives!


If Hillary Clinton is elevated to the office of the Presidency of these united States of America we can hang it up folks! The media and establishment politicians would rather usher in the crony Clinton machine so as to not disturb their current balance of power and level of comfort. 

Meanwhile “We The People”, the taxpayers and the workers, people of all race and religion, will continue to suffer. There will be no other chance to right this wrong.

The citizens of this country have become nothing more than game pieces, Pawns, on the crony special interest PAC funded chessboard.

Hillary Clinton is desperate. She understands her 30-year record of accomplishing nothing doesn’t compare to her opponent who has a lifetime of success in business, tells it like it is, and is owned by no one! So she’ll stop at nothing to win. Her record shows she will lie, cheat, pay others to lie for her, and possibly even worse. She let Americans die in Benghazi. More is to be revealed. She has much to hide!

I believe Donald J. Trump’s sole motive is to Make America Great Again, he knows how to do it, and he will listen to the people not politicians.

Trump has nothing more to gain than that. Sure he has an undeniable ego. He also has the success to along with it. As far as anyone knows, all accusations against him are hollow, strategically timed falsehoods designed to elevate Clinton in the polls during these last days prior to November 8th.  End effect…. Status Quo.  End result? ….the end of our Republic!

Hillary Clinton has accomplished NOTHING of good in 30 years. She has so much baggage no one can even keep up with it. She has some nerve calling anyone a racist when she has reportedly called members of the White House staff “ni%$%ers” and her “mentor is past KKK leader and Senator Robert Byrd(D). But the MSM continues to draw fire away from her past and criminal record. They are her protectors. Ask yourself why?

Is the American electorate really this stupid? By the way, I still hate those flying monkeys. Give me the Ruby Slippers instead!flying-monkeys