Category Archives: 2nd Amendment

Media, the Mentally Ill, Mass Shootings, & Cultural Marxism

The Media and the Mentally Ill are quite compatible. Mass shootings, to include school shootings, are trending. The frequency of which, appears to be gaining steam. Today another school shooting, only to be cut short by a School Resource Officer on duty. There have also been package bombs going off in places like a FedEx hub. And now another reported in Austin. Copycats driven by an obsessed media fueled by leftist money? READ
The Main Stream Media (MSM) wants you to believe there have been around 20 school shootings in 2018. Remember, MSM, sells and profits from not only “news” but gossip and fabricated narratives. Non-credible news outlets SELL to the emotionally disabled and uneducated. Credibility means the news is based on fact. If it is not based on fact then it is not news. READ
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The media provides these characters, the shooters, bombers, and stabbers, Hollywood status. For weeks and months their names and faces appear in tabloid print and on television and that is their reward. We find some have been bullied and some were loners. Some were depressed or they had a not-so-great family life. Some were sexually abused and are now lashing out. The liberal media shows compassion for the victims and THEN for the shooter. It’s an emotional thing to be a liberal. Then the liberal drive by media blames it on the gun or the gun store owner that sold the gun to the shooter legally…. they blame an inanimate object.
And then all the focus for days and weeks turns to “gun control”… “We must find a better way… we must control” possession of these inanimate objects that didn’t commit the crime and never will. Should we regulate the purchase of fuel? Gasoline makes a great bomb. Should we regulate the purchase of automobiles? They have killed far more than guns ever have.

family values
We have abandoned common sense in solving our societal problems. The death penalty works when you re-energize those electric chairs. If you kill somebody then you will get killed right back!
The number one problem is traditional family values have eroded and consequences for inappropriate actions are not being taught and ingrained in the home.
Because we are Americans we have certain Inalienable Rights granted by God, not by man. Man cannot take those rights from us. My right to protect myself and my family by any means necessary shall not be infringed.

“The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time; the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them.” –Thomas Jefferson: Rights of British America, 1774. ME 1:211, Papers 1:135

So the answer is not Gun Control. For those pushing that narrative it’s really all about CONTROL. For them, Government is their God and they would only have the military and police in possession of guns or weapons of any type. They abandon all common sense and any principle of individual liberty and true freedom.

Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

~Benjamin Franklin~

The left will continue it’s assault on your freedoms as afforded by US citizenship . They hate the US Constitution as written and will continue to twist the narrative to their advantage every day.

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They don’t care about you, your kids, your parents, your kids’ school, the dog, none of it. They only care about the Cultural Marxist agenda they signed on to, perhaps unknowingly – READ
cultural marxism
It’s time to educate yourself or re-educate. We are living in a world where anything goes. Gender equality? Where did that come from and how could it possibly be related to gun violence? We’ll cover that in the next Daily News Fix.

Turkey hunting

A hard day Turkey hunting… John never lets his gun go hunting by itself!

Questions Liberal Progressive Democrats Won’t Answer

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This author spells it out. The US Constitution makes no allowance for the bill of goods progressive liberals and the Main Stream Media are trying to sell us. The following are questions liberal progressive democrats peddling the Gun Control narrative will refuse to answer.

1. I want those pushing for Gun Control to tell me my life, or the lives of those I love, are not as important as someone they believe should be allowed to own or carry weapons. 
2. I want to know why those same people, who also push for equality, don’t believe we all have an equal right to self defense.
3. I also want to know from those who are pushing Gun Control, if they still believe designated gun free zones are safe from those who don’t obey the law and how they plan to stop an active shooter if law enforcement is not near to defend those in the gun free zone.
4. Lastly, I want those who are pushing for Gun Control to tell those of us who own and carry weapons, they do not want us to defend them if the need arises.


“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”


Michele Nix is in her second term as NCGOP Vice-Chairman and believes in upholding the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution as written.

Don’t Be A Fish

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Small Tank Perspective

Fish living in a small bowl have limited and narrow perspective. Give them a larger tank and their view widens. However, they are still trapped inside glass walls and dependent on an outside source to feed them, clean their tank, and keep them alive. They are fish.
Many human United States citizens have a limited perspective, just like fish. Even though they have a choice to move from a small tank to a larger tank they choose to confine themselves to the propagandized narrow view controlled by the Main Stream Media. MSM pushes false narratives to satisfy those who fund them.
Americans have a choice in the type of food they would like to consume, and how often their tank gets cleaned (even in the small tank environment). They have the ability and free will to choose the size of their tank. They can also choose to live with no restraints, no tank at all. The USA is one of the few places on earth where humans can freely make those choices without permission from a higher authority.

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Free Will – Only in America

Most Liberals have a small tank “gold fish perspective” in the current and ongoing debate over our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. All of them may not live in a small glass jar but would rather government provide ALL things. They bow to government because government is their God.

“As Americans, we can choose to climb out of our tank, kick it aside, and exercise the freedoms God gave us.”

The Constitution of the United States of America is our founding document. It was God inspired, written to protect future generations against a rogue and oppressive government, and allows us free will. That’s the best deal going on the planet. So why would anyone not want freedom? We have a communist movement right now in this country. Among other things, they seek to undermine or remove our inalienable right to protect ourselves and our families?
We live in the greatest country on earth, the “land of the free, the home of the brave”. We can’t afford to take this gift of freedom for granted lest the things we enjoy everyday like traveling unchecked, owning land, raising our children as we see fit and protecting them from harm be taken away. The 2nd Amendment is at the heart of it all and that’s exactly why they want to stifle it.

“We the people ARE the militia assigned to secure a free state. Our right to bear arms is not a choice the government or anyone else can take from us. Our right to protect ourselves and our families from eminent danger or harm by any means is a right given to us by God, not by man or by government.”

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Do not be frightened to engage in debate with the ignorant and those brainwashed by the Main Stream Media narrative which is controlled by One World Order proponents. These “great liberal minds” are only fish living in a small bowl dependent on government to tell them how they should think. These are the same geniuses that believe putting a “No Weapons Allowed” or “Gun Free Zone” sign at a school or place of business will keep them safe.

“Train and arm willing school personnel. Train them to be the militia.”

Why put your kids or family member in a situation where they can not fend for themselves? It is not up to law enforcement to protect us all the time. They can’t and they won’t. Who among us wants a police state?

Protect your families at any cost. Don’t wait for someone else to do it.
The 2nd Amendment protects the 1st Amendment. Once our Constitutional rights are gone, we will all be Government Fish living in a small glass bowl.
Don’t be a fish.

The Left Is Gambling With Your Rights

We have been watching the left’s reaction to the tragic Las Vegas shootings on Sunday, October 1st where 59 lives have now been lost and more than 500 are injured. We are horrified that some mentally ill person or some group of Sickos orchestrated this mass killing. President Trump seeks the logical route while Democratic Congressional House Members have already used this situation to increase their face time on network news outlets.

Within hours of the incident, Hillary Clinton seized the opportunity to politicize this tragedy targeting the NRA. Then it was Minority House leader Nancy Pelosi taking advantage of the situation. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. The bodies were still warm….. literally.

Democrats tend to prey on the emotions of their constituents and the Main Stream Media likes that tactic, as well. Logically, we know a gun is an inanimate object, just like a butcher knife, a static vehicle, or a gallon of gasoline. Any of those could be weaponized by someone with bad intent. But the weapon gets the blame because emotions get in the way of logical common sense and that is the narrative we are fed over and over and over again.

Trained marksmen run toward the sound of gunfire. Others run from it. An armed citizen has protection from the “pure evil” we have seen time and time again. Without a way to protect ourselves and our families, we are sitting ducks. We refuse to rely on law enforcement for everything.

I’ve written a lot about the 2nd Amendment and provided examples illustrating why gun control is unnecessary because it doesn’t work. In fact, there is direct correlation between increased gun ownership and a decrease in gun homicide. Democrats can read these stats just as well as you and I can. So what’s the disconnect? Politics. Liberal Democrats would like to see the US Constitution abolished.

Today, there is a knee-jerk reaction to ban and outlaw “bump stocks”. “Bump stocks” were found on at least one of the weapons at the Mandalay Bay. “Bump stocks” aid in rapid firing of certain weapons like an AR-15. See below.

This massacre is still being investigated. There is much discussion by military professionals and law enforcement (an undercurrent) that this was not a one man job. In fact this slaughter was most likely orchestrated and most likely used as a political means to an end. BLM and Antifa claimed it looks like the work of a more credible source. It’s possible, right?

“Trust, but verify” ~ Ronald Reagan

We are in for months of diversion tactics to incrementally eat away at out 2nd Amendment rights. The NRA and President Trump have stated they are open to additional regulations on “bump stocks”, but that does not change the overall debate.

“Scare tactics, lies, threats and Hollywood will be used to further steal your liberty.”

Beware! Knee jerk reactions to crimes like this don’t work. Their intent is to politicize and prey on the emotions of the ignorant for their own profit. But this kind of lowly behavior comes at a cost… Your Liberty!

My “Call To Action” is to research and read about your Constitutional rights. Start by reading the US Constitution. Know that the 2nd Amendment is in place primarily to protect you and me from a rogue government.

“Never Surrender Your Rights, Never Give Up, Never Shut Up, And Keep Getting Up!” ~ John Nix and The Daily News Fix

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