Category Archives: DNC

About that “Government Shutdown”

On Saturday, December 22nd the House passed continuing resolution to fund the US Government awaiting a full floor vote in the Senate. POTUS Trump campaigned on building a border wall but political push back over the requested $5.6 billion in funding has led to a partial “Shut Down” of the federal government, mostly for “non-essential government employees” in nine (9) federal departments.

Anyone can have an opinion, but it helps to know the facts. Government shutdowns are not new. Here’s a short history:

“If the shutdown involves non-essential employees, how is this shutdown hurting the American people”, you ask? That depends on who you talk to. These are the departmental agencies involved:

From the same link  this is the actual effect on workers:

  1. Homeland Security – 13 percent of 232,860 workers.
  2. Justice – 17 percent of 114,154 workers.
  3. Agriculture – 40 percent of 95,383 workers. February food stamps could be cut.
  4. Treasury – 83 percent of 87,267 workers. Tax refunds could be delayed.
  5. Interior – 78 percent of 68,469 workers. National Park maintenance has decreased.
  6. Transportation – 34 percent of 54,230 workers. Some security screeners have called in sick.
  7. Commerce – 87 percent of 47,896 workers.
  8. Environmental Protection Agency – 95 percent of 13,872 workers. It can use reserve funds to stay open through December 28.
  9. Housing and Urban Development – 95 percent of 7,497 workers.

So you can see the largest percentage of employees considered non-essential are housed in HUD, Dept. of Interior and the IRS. Ask yourself why that is.

These workers will get paid back pay when this furlough ends. So why is everyone so concerned? There is certainly more to consider than what has been presented herein. You’ll have to come to your own conclusion and do more research as necessary.

Opinion – This is all political theater. Many Presidents in recent past have triggered (for lack of a better word) shutdowns. The left and the right don’t agree, but it has more to do with House and Senate Democrats depriving President Trump of his key campaign promise. POTUS Trump promised to build a border security wall to protect all Americans from violent crimes, slow the influx of drugs for Mexico and Central America, as well as, stop illegal aliens from entering via our southern border. Foreign elements and their people do not respect our laws. They like our living conditions, job availability, and our welfare system. Unfortunately, about half of the legal born citizens of our great nation buy into the emotional false narratives the Main Stream Media hammers into their brains.

Additionally, the US spends more than the $5.6 Billion requested in just three(3) days on various welfare programs, almost $2 Billion per day. In 2019 and 2020 Conservatives will need to band together and put minor differences aside to preserve the freedoms we now enjoy. Democrats are being extremely petty and obstinate but they are banding together to form their own “wall”

The President will use the National Emergencies Act of 1976  in drawing down necessary funds for this wall by declaring a national emergency. Then, and only then, will these non-essential workers go back to being non-essential at your expense.

Image may contain: John Carleton Nix, standing, mountain, sky, outdoor and nature

By John C. Nix          January 13, 2019

To Win ~ Get Them On The Battlefield!

President Trump is my President. I proclaim that proudly and loudly and if you live in these United States of America he is also your President. But the mainstream media (MSM) doesn’t like your President and neither do some big political figures (mostly of the Democratic variety) and are threatened by President Trump’s very existence, much less the fact he is their President too!

Nothing about President Trump is conventional! He is a genius business magnate unafraid of obstacles. He has a reputation for getting the job done.

The left’s modus operandi is the same old trickery they’ve always used…… create chaos and confusion where there is none diverting attention away from the important matters and swaying popular opinion. It is also designed to keep our President from achieving his agenda.

Donald J. Trump was elected in a decisive victory by electoral college votes. My wife and I were at the Republican National Convention, where she was a Delegate pledged to Trump from day one. We also attended the Inauguration January 20th and other functions. There were many protesters, some paid. They couldn’t win the election fair and square so they are on the prowl, vicious and vindictive!  

I keep having visions of flesh eating zombies, the way these people behave!

These liberal progressive Democrats will do anything it takes to bring President Trump down. Because he is a populist, some first time voters expected immediate results when he took office. You know, just repeal Obamacare by mandate, shut down the EPA, the IRS, destroy ISIS in one week, kick all the Democrats out of Washington…. Drain The Swamp! Nothing happens RIGHT NOW! But it will happen.

If you listen to the wanna be pundits they’ll try to convince you President Trump needs to stop egging on  the liberals with midnight tweets and rogue statements. I disagree!

In order to defeat the enemy you must first identify the enemy. Once identified you lure them onto the battlefield for the kill. Trump is exposing his enemies so he can eliminate the obstacles to achieving his campaign promises. He’s just a whole lot smarter than these liberal nut jobs and they really hate that.

So it is our job as conservatives, assuming you are one, to counter the media hype and that of lying politicians. They all have motives mostly centered around power and money. 

Because, guess what, they are all getting paid to lie! Donald Trump threatens their livelihood and their lifestyle! Status quo is their goal, whereas Donald Trump’s is the opposite.  Trump wants to strengthen the economy and get Americans back to work. 

The shameful display that Rep. Al Green (D) LINKED put up in in the House chambers yesterday demanding the impeachment of our President  is only a diversionary tactic! Another one, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D), aka “Fauxcahontas” wouldn’t know the truth if it came up an shook her hand! She’s been smoking the peace pipe too long and she’s being paid by special interest groups to push their agenda. They are the enemy!

Fire the Director of the FBI? Oh my! That takes cojones, amigo! But it shouldn’t if Comey is not to be trusted. These bureaucrats think they are untouchable.

MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN are all paid to lie to the public. MSM wants to control the narrative and they do to a degree. They twist it like Playdough into the shape they want you to see. This is how they make a their money! They are threatened by President Donald J. Trump and his administration.

Hang on because it is going to get worse.

“Never surrender your rights, never give up, never shut up, and keep getting up!” ~ John Nix and the Daily News Fix

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Your Work Is Not Done

We had a benchmark historic election in North Carolina and nationally on November 8, 2016. Many are disappointed Governor Pat McCrory was not re-elected. There are questions looming as to why and further analysis by others will follow. The answer is multifaceted. We’ll do that in another piece.

Voter fraud was exposed, as never before. Will those caught red-handed be prosecuted and will the media cover it?

These felonious crimes need to be exposed but have a tendency to get buried. The last minute federal court reversal of the “Voter ID” bill opened the door for Democrats to promote mass confusion and chaos at polling sites with the same day registration provision. Ethics aside, these Alinsky tactics worked but not well enough this time!

Donald John Trump is our President elect and he is sure to stir things up inside the D.C. belt-line and across the nation.

For the naysayers, those that say his provocative manner and big ideas won’t work, allow me to remind you from whence he came.

He doesn’t beat around the bush and he listens to trusted sources that do what they do best. I look forward to the next four years. What a blessing and comfort it is to have real hope for our children and grandchildren and know they actually have chance to prosper. This was a battle worth fighting! On top of that, we have a Republican Congress to back the President moving forward.

Hold them accountable. It is your job and mine! Remember, this is a Republic, not a Democracy!

Eleven (11) of fifteen (15) NC State Court of Appeals judges are Republican. For the first time since Reconstruction we have a Republican Commissioner of Insurance, Mike Causey, at the helm in North Carolina and a new Republican face, Mark Johnson, leading as Superintendent of Public Instruction. Dale Folwell will serve as Treasurer. Dan Forest will serve his second term as Lt. Governor and will run for Governor in 2020.

But as soon as the dust settled on November 8th, a three judge panel decided it was best for us to have a special election under newly drawn House and Senate lines. They know what is best for you and me, right? Opening the door for more gerrymandering? Maybe? So we’ll have a bigger ballot in 2017 with freshly drawn lines, unless the appeal to the Supreme Court is heard, and won. Don’t you love these last minute Alinsky tactics? Don’t you love the fact that these appointees control your fate, only because they can?

crybabyThere is no time to rest, my Right-minded friends. While we have been celebrating, the progressive left is sharpening their spears and strapping on their armor. You might think I’m being melodramatic, but they are not happy campers and the nastiness will continue.


Our conservative ethics and morals, our Christian belief system, and our world view don’t lend themselves to surprise attacks and prostituting ourselves for a few pieces of silver. We believe in and promote lower taxes, smaller government, personal liberty (less government invention), just to name a few.

The Democratic party has become full blown socialist in their ideals. Just take a look at their platform. I was ridiculed by a long time Democrat leader in a reply by “letter to the editor” earlier this year for an editorial comparing the Republican and Democratic platforms. Righteous Democrat(s) attempting to defend their party just don’t have a leg to stand on. Their “party” has gotten away from them. For instance, how does one claim to be a Christian yet still support a party platform that promotes full term abortion? They say, “I’m a registered Democrat because my Daddy was, and his Daddy was….” Blah, blah blah. My questions to them would be, “Do you agree with full term abortion and a bloated oppressive government? How about open borders? Do you like the idea that roughly half of the population benefits from tax subsidies that you work to provide to them?” READ HERE

No time to rest. This is a time for preparation for the next battle against progressive liberals lying in wait. Seriously, do you think because Republicans won, these folks just accepted it? Nope. You’ll see more soon, like hoodlum NC NAACP President Rev. Wm. Barber marching on the North Carolina General Assembly and getting arrested all for self promotion and free publicity.hoodlum-barber

The Democrat party is the Party of Oppression, plain and simple. Keeping more people on subsidies like food stamps and welfare benefits their leadership. Government is their provider. Low income single mothers will tell you they are leveraged. It’s better financially to stay home and take care of the children. Why would they work and receive less. That is the fault of government and it’s leadership stemming from New Deal era politics and magnified by Johnson administration. george-sorosIt’s a Ponzi scheme low-life leeches like Barber thrive on. His funding sources, George Soros for one, are eaten up with vindictiveness after their loss. They’ll continue to pay Barber to stir the kettle and Barber will continue to line his own pockets with questionable special interest money.

The Democrats work to enslave as many as they can… slaves to the government and tax subsidies while Republican values are just the opposite. Democrats have “Progressively” put more bread on the table of those who will “play along”. Government has become their God. Government continues to take more and more from the honest, hard-working middle class base that wouldn’t think of taking what they didn’t work for. Despicable, but they must feed the machine that feeds them.

Welfare, food stamps and other subsidies are designed as a “hand up, not a hand out”. We have allowed this ethical shift over time. “It’s 100 miles into the woods and 100 miles out”, as they say. Let’s get to walking!


The Wizard and Those Darned Flying Monkeys!

ozThis political cycle reminds me of the movie, The Wizard of Oz… that scene when the identity of the Wizard is revealed… “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I am the Great and Powerful Oz”.  Well we all know who the political Wizard is…..the Main Stream Media(MSM) and establishment politicians. The curtain has been pulled back.

Donald J. Trump is the ONLY candidate to have fearlessly looked them all in the eye and expose them for what they are…. what they engage in is nothing more than political prostitution! They are profiting from our losses. Playing poker with our lives!


If Hillary Clinton is elevated to the office of the Presidency of these united States of America we can hang it up folks! The media and establishment politicians would rather usher in the crony Clinton machine so as to not disturb their current balance of power and level of comfort. 

Meanwhile “We The People”, the taxpayers and the workers, people of all race and religion, will continue to suffer. There will be no other chance to right this wrong.

The citizens of this country have become nothing more than game pieces, Pawns, on the crony special interest PAC funded chessboard.

Hillary Clinton is desperate. She understands her 30-year record of accomplishing nothing doesn’t compare to her opponent who has a lifetime of success in business, tells it like it is, and is owned by no one! So she’ll stop at nothing to win. Her record shows she will lie, cheat, pay others to lie for her, and possibly even worse. She let Americans die in Benghazi. More is to be revealed. She has much to hide!

I believe Donald J. Trump’s sole motive is to Make America Great Again, he knows how to do it, and he will listen to the people not politicians.

Trump has nothing more to gain than that. Sure he has an undeniable ego. He also has the success to along with it. As far as anyone knows, all accusations against him are hollow, strategically timed falsehoods designed to elevate Clinton in the polls during these last days prior to November 8th.  End effect…. Status Quo.  End result? ….the end of our Republic!

Hillary Clinton has accomplished NOTHING of good in 30 years. She has so much baggage no one can even keep up with it. She has some nerve calling anyone a racist when she has reportedly called members of the White House staff “ni%$%ers” and her “mentor is past KKK leader and Senator Robert Byrd(D). But the MSM continues to draw fire away from her past and criminal record. They are her protectors. Ask yourself why?

Is the American electorate really this stupid? By the way, I still hate those flying monkeys. Give me the Ruby Slippers instead!flying-monkeys

They Are Coming For Your Ballot!

After cyber attacks on a few state election board websites the Obama administration may be forcing it’s hand in a big way. This is quite dangerous for all Americans and not to be taken lightly. The federal government has no jurisdiction over election proceedings. This duty is left to our sovereign states. But what do you know, right? The Obama regime has issued the following statement:

“We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the power grid,”… “There’s a vital national interest in our election process, so I do think we need to consider whether it should be considered by my department and others critical infrastructure,” said Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson

hack the vote

The key words here are “critical infrastucture”…. they are trying to make the case that the states can’t pull off just one more election without help from the federal government. So Obama, the caped crusader, and his Democratic regime are rushing in to “save” the nation from “those bad old hackers” in the name of Cyber security.  This comes two months before the most crucial and defining general election in the history of our nation.

Opinion? For DHS to come in and say “this is what we’re going to do” could be seen as police state activity.

In fact it, the general perception is the Obama regime will do anything to help Hillary win in November…. even forcing control over and rigging this election!

The only legal way the feds could step in and take over election process would be at a state’s request or Congress pass a law. But since there is no time for that and this rogue administration does not respect the law any more than they do you or me, expect another forthcoming “executive order”.

bitch hillary 1

We’ve watched an unqualified vindictive POTUS drive this country into the ground over the last 8 years. If you’ve had enough of the incompetence, his globalist approach to immigration and refugee resettlement, his unwillingness to call out radical Islamic, his repetitive lies…… well you ain’t seen nothing yet. Let Hillary Clinton win this election and we are DONE for as a sovereign nation. Your 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights will be taken. She has already made that promise. This is going to be a real gun fight, friends.

Hillary’s Poor Judgement

Just a few days before the most recent Weinergate episode we noted that Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s top advisor, was still married to Anthony Weiner. But that wasn’t the main point, only one of them. Here are the facts:

  • Abedin is a Muslim with family ties to terrorist groups
  • Her husband is a sexual deviant
  • She influences much of Hillary’s decisions daily
  • If Hillary Clinton wins the White House Abedin will be running the show


Weiner made headlines in recent years for “sexting” women while serving as Congressman to New York’s 9th District. He recently was caught in the act again while sexting a picture of himself with Abedin’s 3 year old son beside him in bed while his wife was doing her thing with Hillary.

This story is not news to most readers here. But what we’ve found particularly interesting is how the media has spun this whole thing. MSNBC, CNN and other leftist media outlets have tried to show compassion for Huma and fend off any idea that national security issues could have been compromised during Clinton’s stint as Secretary of State. But isn’t it likely there could  have been some “pillow talk” going on between Huma and the infamous Weiner? They also minimize the fact she is Muslim with family ties to terrorist organizations.

The right leaning media outlets chastised Weiner’s actions and Huma’s judgement for staying in the marriage while simultaneously questioning a possible breach of national security with fast and loose Anthony Wiener who may  have been a little too close to the situation during Hillary’s tenure. These outlets are questioning a national security breach.

Huma and Weiner

Hmmm… I smell a forthcoming book deal for the Weiner.

There’s one question the Daily News Fix has heard no one ask. 

Shouldn’t we all question Hillary Clinton’s judgement for keeping Huma employed as her top aide when Huma’s personal life choices are so poor?

The day AFTER this latest “sexting” story broke Huma Abedin chose to announce she would separate from Weiner, roughly 73 days prior to the general election. We call this damage control.


We conclude that both Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin have extremely poor judgement, as is evidenced in the facts laid out above. They are both dangerous and will put American lives at risk. Hillary Clinton is #AntiAmerican while Huma has too much baggage with her terrorist family ties and loose cannon husband. We can’t afford the likes of Hillary in White House nor can we afford Huma Abedin running the show for her.

Betcha’ Didn’t Know!… Just The Facts

Roe v. Wade v. Gun Violence

We won’t beat around the bush.  We won’t try to prove anything.  Just a few facts for that Daily Cerebral Massage.

After watching the public’s reaction to the Daily News Fix’s piece yesterday (READ HERE) on the City of Greensboro’s gun disposal program, we thought to be apropos to point out a few things.

In 2011 the CDC posted the following statistics on the leading cause of death in the United States by the numbers (see the Chart):

  1. Unintentional Poisoning          36,280
  2. Unintentional Motor Vehicle   33,783
  3. Unintentional Fall                       27,483
  4. Suicide by Firearm                       19,990
  5. Homicide by Firearm                       11,068
  6. Suicide by Suffocation                  9,913

We’ll stop right there.  Nowhere in the report does the CDC mention death/homicide by abortion.  The 2012 statistics mention a “Infant Mortality rate: 5.96 deaths per 1,000 live births“, but abortions don’t count as “live births”.

You know what blows all these stats away?  Abortions murder over One Million unborn babies per year.  And the progressive left condone this barbaric practice.  The Democratic Platform condones aborting babies backed by the liberal progressive 1973 SCOTUS ruling, Roe v. Wade.  How can anyone profess to be a Christian and simultaneously be registered Democrat?  There is no gray area and the bible supports the Right To Life.

  • US Veterans have a suicide rate of 22 per day or 8000 per year (by multiple methods).
  • Homicides by firearm are around 11,000 per year.
  • Deaths by abortion are 1,000,000 per year.

Abortion murders people 99 times more than guns.  

So why is there so much focus on taking our guns?  Why the focus on interpreting the Second Amendment in a way that only give gun rights to police and military?

Advocating for abortion is Pure Evil.  Minimizing our individual rights afforded us by the US Constitution is all about controlling the populous and the Liberal Progressive left is “hard at it” selling that swamp plot.

Next time someone tells you how awful it is that so many people are dying in the streets from gun violence remind them that 99 babies are murdered each year to 1 gun death.  Tell them to get their priorities in check.  You’ll know they’ve been drinking the Mainstream Media Koolaid.   Give them the facts …..just the facts.

Ya’ll think about…. I am.