Monthly Archives: December 2015

A “Free” Education On Losing Our Liberty

The leftist progressives and their POTUS Puppet, B. Hussein Obama, are gearing up in a big way for 2016.  Mid January you can expect a few major assaults our 2nd Amendment rights.

Emperor Obama will issue a decree across the lands (by executive order) that everyone “in the business” of selling firearms will be required to perform background checks. Federally licensed dealers are already required to run background checks through the FBI….. but what if Johnny wants to sell Sally a handgun or by some other private means?  Roughly 40% of the guns in America are currently bought and sold privately.

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is all for making it more difficult to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights. Obama aims to go out with a bang and push this agenda to the hilt. He’ll be remembered as not only the worst President fiscally, driving our national debt over 19 Trillion before leaving office, but also the most abusive when it comes to trashing our Constitutional rights.  He just doesn’t respect the our founding documents, the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND.  He has no regard whatsoever for the citizens of the United States….. none. The National Rifle Association (NRA) believes that this or any move to further the gun control effort will eventually lead to confiscation or banning certain weapons and ammunition.

But anyone paying attention is aware of the invalidity of this liberal argument for gun control. Taking guns from law-abiding citizens doesn’t curb crime.  It makes us more vulnerable. We have posted statistic after statistic to prove death by firearm is pretty low on the totem pole of societal problems. The key word in gun control is CONTROL.

Take away the common man’s means of protection and the government has complete control of the common man.  And that’s what this is really about. 

California just passed legislation that will go into effect January 1, 2016 making it very easy to seize your guns by court order.  Here’s a likely scenario:

Kevin owns some weapons. His teenage son wants to borrow the car and Kevin says no since he’s failing High School and should be home studying. Kevin’s son decides to get back at Dad because the LAW (see here) now gives him that latitude.  He calls the cops and says, “I feel unsafe…. my Dad has a gun in the house and…. I feel unsafe”.  So a judge authorizes law enforcement to confiscate all Kevin’s weapons for a minimum of 21 days.  Kevin is treated like a criminal instead of a conscientious parent. He is forced to spend a lot of money on attorney fees to defend himself and restore his good name.  The value of the guns confiscated is less than the cost of fighting the State. The State wins and the guns are destroyed.

Now back to the Executive Order…….One problem with this whole thing is that Obama’s Executive Order isn’t really law at all. Congress makes law, not the POTUS.  The second problem is the majority of our society has no interest or concern as to what the POTUS can or can’t do…… as long as they keep getting “Free Stuff”.  Many of us know there is no such thing as FREE STUFF and we DO CARE about our rights being taken.  The third problem is that Hillary is going to win the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. She’s coming after our guns because, as mentioned, she will then have  total control over our behavior and our 1st Amendment rights.

We live in a society where the majority of the population are TAKERS NOT GIVERS. We have become slowly conditioned to accept the bastardization of this great Nation our fathers and grandfathers fought for so we might be free.  We really don’t know what it’s like to have our Liberty taken away from us.  Remember, Liberty comes from God, not man.  Be prepared to fight to keep it.  If Hillary Clinton wins in 2016 or Congress goes to the Democrats we’ll all get a FREE EDUCATION on the LOSS OF PERSONAL LIBERTY!



Becoming The Protectors

dailynewsfix imageWe just caught a portion of a live commentary on Fox News by Judge Jennine Perino after exiting the movie “The Mocking Jay, Part 2”. The movie was pretty good.

If your not familiar with this series, “The Hunger Games”, it involves a struggle for freedom in a futuristic setting in the wake of a dictatorship. Great movies. Check them out.

Anyway, the Judge was laying it down, “shucking some corn” as my friend Jackie would say.  I like her, generally, but this time she was playing on ignorance and fear when it comes to protecting ourselves from terrorist attacks like ISIS.

What I took exception to was her reactionary suggestion that we further “weaponize our police” to better protect all of us. Ummm…. Red Flag sister, er… Judge!

She alluded to the San Bernardino massacre that was obviously a radical Islamic terror attack. She thinks they were running around like keystone cops. Maybe they were but the Militarization of our police force as a reaction to these ISIS cues plays right into the progressive liberal “gun control” narrative. Are we really that scared and stupid?

This administration is looking to capitalize on incidents like San Bernadino. We have Muslims in the Whitehouse like Valerie Jarret (she runs things, not Barry) that capitalize on your fear.

Right after militarization of our police is confiscation of our weapons. You say no?  We say gun confiscation is eminent if we allow government to grow and our Constitutional 2nd Amendment rights to erode. The 2nd Amendment protects us from a rogue government. It keeps our 1st Amendment rights intact, especially our right to religious freedoms.

Bottom line ~ Our right to protect ourselves and our family is inalienable, of God not man. It shall not be infringed.

We don’t need to further weaponize police in this country.  We need to protect our borders, reject Syrian refugees, and teach our kids and family how to be proficient with a weapon, basic self defense. Teach them how not to be victims.

We must dilute our need to be protected by becoming the protectors.