Category Archives: Election 2016

Big Daddy Government

Leftists worship Big Daddy Government because “they don’t have a hope in God,…. they have no hope in a higher power” so says NC Lt. Governor Dan Forest. Sure there’s a difference in radical leftists and every day liberals…. not much, but there is a slight separation. Leftists march in the street claiming they are “nasty women” wearing vagina hats. Yes, that’s pretty nasty….

Image result for nasty women

For the most part liberals just want equality and for everyone to get along. Leftists identify more with anarchists.

Most liberals think they are saving the planet by driving a Prius and supporting corporate solar farms, but both, leftists and liberals, vote the same way and are easily misled.

What liberals just won’t admit is that when they vote for any Democrat, they are voting to support abortion. Some of you would dispute this fact and that’s okay, but you would be wrong. The Democratic Platform makes it very clear where they stand on abortion, the murder of the unborn.Aborted

Keep voting Democrat, keep feeding the monster, and keep supporting their radically immoral agenda. 

Government is their God. In fact they voted to remove the word God from their platform altogether. Can’t mention God, someone may be offended. Can’t mention gender, someone may be offended. Can’t mention race or you are automatically a racist. But Big Daddy Government needs gender and race for you driver’s license. Leftists and most liberals are hypocrites. Leftists are socialists and would have everyone sucking off of government subsidies. They do not acknowledge God and hate the United States but would spend that free money. On our currency appear the words “In God We Trust”. How long will that last?

Republicans push less regulation because we enjoy our innate God-given liberties. The Left wants to be controlled, enslaved.  No one can successfully argue that government doesn’t take freedom and liberties from us. The left confuses God with Government.

Here’s an example of a Leftist elected official? California Governor Jerry Brown says the Bible is discriminatory towards the LGBT crowd so he’s pushing a House bill that bans sales of the Bible and Christian counseling. No, seriously this is real! READ HERE  These people will stop at nothing!

Republicans abolished slavery because we believe are all created the same in the eyes of God. If we didn’t believe in God that line of thinking is no good, right? Republicans also championed the Civil Rights movement in the 60’s.  Many Democrats, especially black Democrats, give those credits to the Democrats. This was an overwhelmingly Republican led Act.

Image result for emancipation

The leftist narrative is extremely bizarre and well funded and they are in the business of brainwashing and spewing false narratives. Facts be damned!  A lot of funding comes from out of our country. George Soros is prime example. Disgustingly enough, even past President Obama and his wife, Michele are working to undermine the Trump administration. CLICK HERE

Academia doesn’t do morality any favors. Why do we send our kids to these viper pits? A New Testament studies Professor at Holy Cross named Benny Liew, claims there was “something quintessentially queer” about Jesus’s relationship with God the Father. Also, that washing the disciples feet was sexually “suggestive, even seductive.” He noted that Jesus was a cross-dresser and had  queer desires.

We are sending way too many kids to college and not enough to trade schools. But that’s another column.

Wars have been fought for centuries for land mass take over… at any cost. Why do some folks have a hard time believing it’s happening right here in these United States? Is the country is brainwashed by Main Stream Media? There are many within our borders that hate America and want to take part in its downfall.

Now is the time for you to get down and dirty and fight for what you know is right. Fight for your conservative values and for adherence to some semblance of morality. We can not win this battle by ignoring their advance or yelling at the TV or quietly discussing it at work. No! You are going to have to get LOUD and BOLD….

Because they are coming for ALL your Land, your Rights, and ALL your money, and your children’s minds. Maybe even your life.


They are already working harder than we are!

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Liberal Media Reaches New Low

You’ve been paying attention…. I know you have been. So you already know how beside themselves the “Mainstream Media” is over the election of President Trump. Our newly elected President is caught in the middle of a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t scenario”, inheriting an eight year failed backslide from Obama, undoubtedly the worst and most destructive president in the history of these united States of America. 

You’ve got to give Obama credit though. He undoubtedly achieved at least four things in his eight years in office while living the high life on your tax dollars:

  1. He increased the national debt by 68%, ending at nearly $20 Trillion, more than all the previous administrations combined (in the history of our country).
  2. He re-initiated and grew a cultural and racial divisiveness like this country has never seen. Most people will tell you we were “healing” just fine from racial tensions dating back to the 1960’s. But Obama used race to “divide and conquer”.
  3. He invigorated and indoctrinated his liberal base to believe immigration laws just don’t need to be followed. He and other liberals want open borders. Obama is not compassionate, he just wants to expand the Democratic voter roles.
  4. He whittled down and weakened our military to WWI capacity putting Americans, especially our military, in danger and less safe.

Was his ultimate goal the integration into a one world government, weakening our ability to stand alone? Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 but, had she won, would this agenda have continued?  I only bring these points out to point out another.

President Trump, after his first 100 days in office will be critiqued as a failure by the liberal media.

The America most of us remember is rapidly becoming non-existent. President Trump wants to bring back manufacturing, innovation, jobs, and self-reliance in lieu of reliance on government aid, all the things liberals detest.

Liberals truly believe government is the answer to all their problems and they are owed “things”, whereas, conservatives believe in the promise of individual “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”….. but it is up to the individual, not government.  Less government means more personal liberty.

So it angers us and other conservatives to see President Trump and Vice-President Pence mocked and ridiculed at the White House Correspondents Dinner last night, April 29, 2017…. by none other than a Muslim comedian who went WAY too far. Not funny. President Trump decided not to attend but held a rally instead in Harrisburg, PA. Who can blame him?

The performance at the “Dinner” was disgraceful to say the least. We’ll just leave you with this clip and let you decide.

Taking An Unborn Life Is Murder

On January 20th, 2017 Donald John Trump became President Trump. My wife and I were there in Washington, DC for the ceremonies and the experience was very refreshing. A lot of people put their lives on hold in the year 2016 to assure we had a Republican in the White House so we all sighed a breath of relief when he took that oath. What a great experience!

On Saturday, January 21st, the day after the Inauguration, there was a “Women’s March”. We had taken the metro to lunch that day and on the way back encountered the mass exodus of these “women” leaving the Washington. We could barely get on the train it was so packed. I wrote this on Facebook after the experience:

March of The Walking Dead…..
1000’s of “Living Specimens” returning to a neighborhood near you from the “Women’s March” in DC. The only reason they had an opportunity to protest today was because their Mama’s didn’t abort them.
Had to ride two stops with em’.

You’ve probably heard different stories about the numbers and why they were there and seen plenty of pictures…. because Mainstream Media covered that nonsense better than the Inauguration of our President! What is very sad is that the majority of these lost souls couldn’t give you a specific reason as to why they were there. They would say “We’re here to protect women’s rights!” Well what rights are those…the rights granted to all of us via the Constitution? You already have those rights, “ladies”….

Here’s the truth. This was a highly organized protest paid for largely by George Soros funded organizations. These folks just didn’t show up.

Social media was used extensively to get these women to DC and maybe even subsidize their expenses to protest something…. but what?

They’ve heard the lies long enough they believe them. They have been scared into believing that with Trump’s appointment(s) to the highest court in the land, Roe v. Wade will be challenged and reversed. Also that Federal funding for Planned Parenthood will be eliminated. I think those are valid concerns and have faith both will happen, and soon!

The goal of this march was not to prove harm is being done to women, because there is none. Approximately 1.5 million children continue to be murdered each year through abortion in the United States. That is the harm. No, the real goal of this exercise was to detract from the Inauguration of our 45th President, cause confusion and chaos, mock and call him bad names.

To hijack the media so all eyes would be on these “ladies” prancing around the streets of DC in huge vagina outfits…. that was their modus operandi. It worked for only a few hours.

Fast forward one week….


Today the “March for Life” is being held on the Mall in DC. Vice President Mike Pence spoke, as well as, Kelly Anne Conway, adviser to the President. The liberal rag, the Washington Post reported:

“Earlier, Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life, listed her four demands for Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress:

● Appoint an antiabortion justice to the Supreme Court.

● Make the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding for many abortions in the United States, into a permanent law rather than the one-year provision that has been extended each year from 1976 to the present.

● Pass a law banning abortion nationwide after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

● Stop all federal funding for Planned Parenthood unless the organization were to somehow stop performing abortions.”

The media “trumped up” the numbers for the “Women’s March”. There were estimates as high as 1 million and as low as 500,000. MSM will try to ignore and negate not only the numbers for this March for Life rally, the 48th by the way….. they will attempt to negate the whole thing.

It’s easier for them not to address the slaughter of children so they turn from the truth and create “fake news”, the newest terminology.

Meanwhile, President Trump has already proven to be a man of action. In his first week he has already addressed a number of his campaign promises through executive order. One of the more impressive was reversing Obama’s payout to the Palestinian Organization of $221 Million, Obama’s last hurrah. There was also the Federal hiring and spending freeze, reinstating the “Mexico City rule” which bans overseas funding to groups that provide abortions or abortion referrals, gave a green light finish the XL Pipeline, will be asking for a major investigation into voter fraud, and the list goes on.

I think we have a good horse running this race. But we all need to remember our country and our elected officials work to promote our interests within the parameters of the Constitution. President Trump was elected not only because he appealed to the working class and middle America. He was elected because many activists put their lives on hold to raise him and other Republican leaders to their respective positions. Let us not take our eyes off their work and remind them we are watching.

“Some one has justly remarked, that ‘eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.’ Let the sentinels on the watch-tower sleep not, and slumber not.” – May 2, 1833 edition of The Virginia Free Press and Farmers’ Repository



How To Cook A Grilled Cheese Without Burning It…

There is a motive for everything anyone does. I am writing this piece for a reason. This Thursday my wife and I will travel to Washington, DC for the 58th Presidential Inauguration to witness history as our 45th President of these united States of America is sworn in. No, I’ve never been to an Inauguration. Yes, I’m looking forward to being a part of history. No, I’m not excited about the crowds, travel, cost involved, etc. But, I am certain it will be a once in a lifetime experience, worth the effort and every dime, and we’ll have great seats.

We are also attending three(3) Inaugural Balls. Ball #1 is Thursday night, the MAGA Inaugural Ball put on by the YRNF (Young Republican National Federation). I am not that young but I am Republican and we are meeting our friend Roger. This will require Ball Gown #1 for my wife, Michele. I’ll be wearing my Tuxedo to all three affairs with different accessories, of course, and try not to get mustard on my jacket lapel the first night.

Ball #2 is Friday night after the Inauguration. This is one of three Official Inaugural Balls hosted by President Trump and First Lady, Melania. Michele will be breaking out the heavy artillery for this one! She will be the prettiest woman in the room in Ball Gown #2 . Again, I’ll be wearing my Tuxedo, cumberbun and bow tie, and looking as dapper as possible.

Ball #3 is Saturday night, the North Carolina State Society of Washington DC Ball. We’ll be rounding turn number four coming into the home stretch. Ball Gown #3 also looks fabulous on my beautiful wife! I’ll be wearing my Tuxedo with vest and bow tie to match my bride’s gown.

So this is exciting! Left-wing liberal progressive protesters with nothing better to do than blockade checkpoints will be doing what they do best… perpetuating Chaos and Confusion to distract the media and victimized zombie viewers.  READ HERE  George Soros (who aided the Nazi cause) funds a lot of this stuff. Watch HERE

When these idoits call Trump a neo-Nazi just remember George Soros is paying them to push this false narrative. This is the real FAKE NEWS.

Antagonists trying to make a name for themselves like Rep. John Lewis and Bono from U2 don’t care about the success or failure of this nation. They only care about their own popularity. Solution ~ primary Lewis and don’t buy the stupid album or T-shirt.

I know the majority of Americans are looking forward to the next four years. We’ll have a pragmatic, common sense, and business sense President Trump leading the way getting Americans back to work and cutting wasteful government spending. If you want to know how to run a Republic get your notepad and pencil ready and tune in for the next four years. It’s about to get interesting. Donald John Trump, I am certain, is going to right many wrongs. This is what our President-elect knows how to do. He doesn’t cook nor does he do auto repair, he fixes business problems and makes them profitable.

If you want to know how to cook a grilled cheese without burning it, don’t ask Donald Trump. Watch the Food Network or ask a good cook but find the one that does it best!

Good luck Mr. President and Godspeed!

Your Work Is Not Done

We had a benchmark historic election in North Carolina and nationally on November 8, 2016. Many are disappointed Governor Pat McCrory was not re-elected. There are questions looming as to why and further analysis by others will follow. The answer is multifaceted. We’ll do that in another piece.

Voter fraud was exposed, as never before. Will those caught red-handed be prosecuted and will the media cover it?

These felonious crimes need to be exposed but have a tendency to get buried. The last minute federal court reversal of the “Voter ID” bill opened the door for Democrats to promote mass confusion and chaos at polling sites with the same day registration provision. Ethics aside, these Alinsky tactics worked but not well enough this time!

Donald John Trump is our President elect and he is sure to stir things up inside the D.C. belt-line and across the nation.

For the naysayers, those that say his provocative manner and big ideas won’t work, allow me to remind you from whence he came.

He doesn’t beat around the bush and he listens to trusted sources that do what they do best. I look forward to the next four years. What a blessing and comfort it is to have real hope for our children and grandchildren and know they actually have chance to prosper. This was a battle worth fighting! On top of that, we have a Republican Congress to back the President moving forward.

Hold them accountable. It is your job and mine! Remember, this is a Republic, not a Democracy!

Eleven (11) of fifteen (15) NC State Court of Appeals judges are Republican. For the first time since Reconstruction we have a Republican Commissioner of Insurance, Mike Causey, at the helm in North Carolina and a new Republican face, Mark Johnson, leading as Superintendent of Public Instruction. Dale Folwell will serve as Treasurer. Dan Forest will serve his second term as Lt. Governor and will run for Governor in 2020.

But as soon as the dust settled on November 8th, a three judge panel decided it was best for us to have a special election under newly drawn House and Senate lines. They know what is best for you and me, right? Opening the door for more gerrymandering? Maybe? So we’ll have a bigger ballot in 2017 with freshly drawn lines, unless the appeal to the Supreme Court is heard, and won. Don’t you love these last minute Alinsky tactics? Don’t you love the fact that these appointees control your fate, only because they can?

crybabyThere is no time to rest, my Right-minded friends. While we have been celebrating, the progressive left is sharpening their spears and strapping on their armor. You might think I’m being melodramatic, but they are not happy campers and the nastiness will continue.


Our conservative ethics and morals, our Christian belief system, and our world view don’t lend themselves to surprise attacks and prostituting ourselves for a few pieces of silver. We believe in and promote lower taxes, smaller government, personal liberty (less government invention), just to name a few.

The Democratic party has become full blown socialist in their ideals. Just take a look at their platform. I was ridiculed by a long time Democrat leader in a reply by “letter to the editor” earlier this year for an editorial comparing the Republican and Democratic platforms. Righteous Democrat(s) attempting to defend their party just don’t have a leg to stand on. Their “party” has gotten away from them. For instance, how does one claim to be a Christian yet still support a party platform that promotes full term abortion? They say, “I’m a registered Democrat because my Daddy was, and his Daddy was….” Blah, blah blah. My questions to them would be, “Do you agree with full term abortion and a bloated oppressive government? How about open borders? Do you like the idea that roughly half of the population benefits from tax subsidies that you work to provide to them?” READ HERE

No time to rest. This is a time for preparation for the next battle against progressive liberals lying in wait. Seriously, do you think because Republicans won, these folks just accepted it? Nope. You’ll see more soon, like hoodlum NC NAACP President Rev. Wm. Barber marching on the North Carolina General Assembly and getting arrested all for self promotion and free publicity.hoodlum-barber

The Democrat party is the Party of Oppression, plain and simple. Keeping more people on subsidies like food stamps and welfare benefits their leadership. Government is their provider. Low income single mothers will tell you they are leveraged. It’s better financially to stay home and take care of the children. Why would they work and receive less. That is the fault of government and it’s leadership stemming from New Deal era politics and magnified by Johnson administration. george-sorosIt’s a Ponzi scheme low-life leeches like Barber thrive on. His funding sources, George Soros for one, are eaten up with vindictiveness after their loss. They’ll continue to pay Barber to stir the kettle and Barber will continue to line his own pockets with questionable special interest money.

The Democrats work to enslave as many as they can… slaves to the government and tax subsidies while Republican values are just the opposite. Democrats have “Progressively” put more bread on the table of those who will “play along”. Government has become their God. Government continues to take more and more from the honest, hard-working middle class base that wouldn’t think of taking what they didn’t work for. Despicable, but they must feed the machine that feeds them.

Welfare, food stamps and other subsidies are designed as a “hand up, not a hand out”. We have allowed this ethical shift over time. “It’s 100 miles into the woods and 100 miles out”, as they say. Let’s get to walking!


The Wizard and Those Darned Flying Monkeys!

ozThis political cycle reminds me of the movie, The Wizard of Oz… that scene when the identity of the Wizard is revealed… “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. I am the Great and Powerful Oz”.  Well we all know who the political Wizard is…..the Main Stream Media(MSM) and establishment politicians. The curtain has been pulled back.

Donald J. Trump is the ONLY candidate to have fearlessly looked them all in the eye and expose them for what they are…. what they engage in is nothing more than political prostitution! They are profiting from our losses. Playing poker with our lives!


If Hillary Clinton is elevated to the office of the Presidency of these united States of America we can hang it up folks! The media and establishment politicians would rather usher in the crony Clinton machine so as to not disturb their current balance of power and level of comfort. 

Meanwhile “We The People”, the taxpayers and the workers, people of all race and religion, will continue to suffer. There will be no other chance to right this wrong.

The citizens of this country have become nothing more than game pieces, Pawns, on the crony special interest PAC funded chessboard.

Hillary Clinton is desperate. She understands her 30-year record of accomplishing nothing doesn’t compare to her opponent who has a lifetime of success in business, tells it like it is, and is owned by no one! So she’ll stop at nothing to win. Her record shows she will lie, cheat, pay others to lie for her, and possibly even worse. She let Americans die in Benghazi. More is to be revealed. She has much to hide!

I believe Donald J. Trump’s sole motive is to Make America Great Again, he knows how to do it, and he will listen to the people not politicians.

Trump has nothing more to gain than that. Sure he has an undeniable ego. He also has the success to along with it. As far as anyone knows, all accusations against him are hollow, strategically timed falsehoods designed to elevate Clinton in the polls during these last days prior to November 8th.  End effect…. Status Quo.  End result? ….the end of our Republic!

Hillary Clinton has accomplished NOTHING of good in 30 years. She has so much baggage no one can even keep up with it. She has some nerve calling anyone a racist when she has reportedly called members of the White House staff “ni%$%ers” and her “mentor is past KKK leader and Senator Robert Byrd(D). But the MSM continues to draw fire away from her past and criminal record. They are her protectors. Ask yourself why?

Is the American electorate really this stupid? By the way, I still hate those flying monkeys. Give me the Ruby Slippers instead!flying-monkeys