Monthly Archives: April 2016

Perspective On The “Big Business” Boycotts

north-carolinaLet’s begin by putting a few things in perspective regarding business in North Carolina.  The State of North Carolina currently employs 133,865.  This number does not include county and municipal employees totaling an estimated 237,000.  In the third quarter of 2015 North Carolina Small Businesses employed 1.6 million people, or 46.0% of the private workforce.  That’s 97.9% of all employers in the State of North Carolina.

In July, 2015 the estimated population in North Carolina was 10,042,802 (US Census Bureau). Of that number it is estimated that about 62.1% worked full or part-time while the remainder do not work for a variety of reasons. They are either retired, unemployed looking for a job, medically disabled, or not looking for work but collecting welfare and other subsidies.

Using census data, we can deduce that the workforce in North Carolina is comprised of roughly 6,236,500 workers. Here’s the breakdown:

  •  3,500,000 private sector jobs
  •  371,000 state and local government jobs
  •  56,980 federal jobs 
  •  2,308,500 large corporations job/other categories

small business

Well over half of the jobs in North Carolina are provided through small businesses.  With the passage of House Bill 2 (HB2) a few weeks ago which, in part, regulates bathroom usage to that bathroom matching one’s birth certificate, there have be a host of corporations that have taken a reactionary stance against this Bill, along with some entertainers.  In a recent article entitled “Are We Ruled By Radicals… Progressive Mud Slinging Gets Bawdy” we pointed out the political gain attributed to this whole debacle.

trans blog 1

President Obama has even chimed in from London assuring the good people it’s safe to travel to North Carolina….and then stated, “I also think the laws that have been passed there are wrong and should be overturned…”.  

Josh Ellis from Governor Pat McCrory’s office issued a statement in reply,

Governor McCrory agrees with President Obama that all people are welcome to our state and everybody will be treated well with extraordinary hospitality. However, the governor respectfully disagrees with the political left’s national agenda to mandate changes to basic, common-sense restroom norms.”

Over half the jobs in North Carolina can be attributed to the private sector.  The quality of people that create business and jobs for North Carolinians, by and large, don’t have a lot of tolerance for nonsense like corporate boycotts and performing artists pulling their shows. One of the best, Jimmy Buffett performed last night in Raleigh.

And we really don’t care what Springsteen thinks about a “transgender woman” using the urinal. He needs to retire anyway. He can hang out with anyone he chooses to…. on his own dime.

Liberal progressive corporations are free to locate wherever they feel comfortable. Some of them refuse to have their names published. However, the will be publishing a list in our next edition. That information will provide the latitude so you may decide whether or not you wish to patronize a business that uses Alinsky tactics to “control the peasants”.

More importantly we should scrutinize over supporting any business that thinks it’s okay to compromise the safety of our children so they can sell one more cup of coffee or a chicken nugget.

Just like the transgender population, we in North Carolina won’t allow 0.03% or a small minority, to control the moral majority. Threatening us won’t work and it never will. With the ingenuity North Carolinians possess we’ll just fill the void when these Corporations head off to Rhode Island or some other liberal haven.  After all our State motto is Esse quam videri, Latin for “To be, rather than to seem”.  Rather appropriate!…. The Daily News Fix says Good Riddance!





Are We Ruled By Radicals?… Progressive Mud Slinging Gets Bawdy

True Conservative Republicans adhere to the party platform and believe in principles like:

  • Limited government
  • Fiscal responsibility/Accountability
  • Lower taxes
  • Individual liberty
  • Free enterprise
  • Religious freedom

So when liberal Charlotte City Council members passe an ordinance allowing the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community to use the bathroom of their choice North Carolinians with common sense and decency got a little upset. And rightly so… what mom or dad wants some guy using the locker room with their teenage daughter? Using the LGBT reasoning/excuse is only a political ploy… a destructive TOOL because that’s their modus operandi.


“The ‘LGBT excuse’ is simply a pry bar to open Pandora’s box.”

The NC General Assembly agreed and was called back in session to examine what Charlotte had done and passed House Bill 2.  Since then all the liberal media and rabid activists have been on the attack putting North Carolina in their cross-hairs. Much pressure has been put on the legislature and Governor Pat McCrory to reverse the law. The liberal progressive left is using as a campaign tool against Governor McCrory.  The liberal way is to ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK! no matter the excuse.  Their vitriolic behavior is sickening!… possibly a result of bad parenting or the lack of it. racist

The LGBT community makes up only a small fraction of a percentage of the general population in North Carolina.  Charlotte City Council passed a local law/ordinance that allowed this minute percentage of individuals to control bathroom practices for the overwhelming majority. We’re not sure how the LGBT community has gotten by all these years without walking into the wrong bathroom and causing problems, but the NC Legislature made it clear bathroom and locker room gender blender behavior won’t happen in Charlotte or any NC town without a trip to jail. Hats off to them!

NC Attorney General Roy Cooper is sitting on the sidelines letting these mindless drones do his work.  Roy Cooper has refused to do his job defending North Carolina against frivolous lawsuits.  He has refused to defend North Carolina and our legislative stances against Same-sex marriage, Illegal Immigration, Syrian Refugees, gun bans and violation of our 2nd Amendment rights, Voter ID law, and NOW THIS!  North Carolinians have shelled out millions in tax dollars to hire outside legal council to do Roy’s JOB.  

Screen-Shot-2016-04-05-at-8.46.01-AM-200x200Now he wants to be your Governor? 

North Carolina values ARE NOT synonymous with Roy Cooper’s values or his followers.  He and his buddies are simply using that 0.03% of the population to draw attention away from the positive things our Republican led legislature has accomplished. They play dirty and hit hard. It’s all straight out of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” playbook…. you know, the rules Hillary and her cronies play by….

“Rule 12 –  Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

rules for radicals

Our message is clear. They can’t hurt you…. they can only throw mud at you. Progressives are of the entitlement mentality, hate individual liberty, capitalism and anything remotely resembling WORK. They focus on “What can I get for free? The government and all those rich folks OWE me! My sexuality and free health care is more important than your religious expression. ” You and I owe nothing to anyone.

The majority of us worked for what we have. The government will continue to tax, spend, regulate and give our earnings away via miserable bureaucrats and “occupiers” like the Charlotte City Council and AG Roy Cooper… as long as WE allow it. Enough already! Time to put your foot down. We won’t let this cancer continue to erode our communities, state and nation.  Stand against this immorality and fascist rule.  Fight for your children’s future!