Monthly Archives: April 2017

Liberal Media Reaches New Low

You’ve been paying attention…. I know you have been. So you already know how beside themselves the “Mainstream Media” is over the election of President Trump. Our newly elected President is caught in the middle of a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t scenario”, inheriting an eight year failed backslide from Obama, undoubtedly the worst and most destructive president in the history of these united States of America. 

You’ve got to give Obama credit though. He undoubtedly achieved at least four things in his eight years in office while living the high life on your tax dollars:

  1. He increased the national debt by 68%, ending at nearly $20 Trillion, more than all the previous administrations combined (in the history of our country).
  2. He re-initiated and grew a cultural and racial divisiveness like this country has never seen. Most people will tell you we were “healing” just fine from racial tensions dating back to the 1960’s. But Obama used race to “divide and conquer”.
  3. He invigorated and indoctrinated his liberal base to believe immigration laws just don’t need to be followed. He and other liberals want open borders. Obama is not compassionate, he just wants to expand the Democratic voter roles.
  4. He whittled down and weakened our military to WWI capacity putting Americans, especially our military, in danger and less safe.

Was his ultimate goal the integration into a one world government, weakening our ability to stand alone? Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 but, had she won, would this agenda have continued?  I only bring these points out to point out another.

President Trump, after his first 100 days in office will be critiqued as a failure by the liberal media.

The America most of us remember is rapidly becoming non-existent. President Trump wants to bring back manufacturing, innovation, jobs, and self-reliance in lieu of reliance on government aid, all the things liberals detest.

Liberals truly believe government is the answer to all their problems and they are owed “things”, whereas, conservatives believe in the promise of individual “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”….. but it is up to the individual, not government.  Less government means more personal liberty.

So it angers us and other conservatives to see President Trump and Vice-President Pence mocked and ridiculed at the White House Correspondents Dinner last night, April 29, 2017…. by none other than a Muslim comedian who went WAY too far. Not funny. President Trump decided not to attend but held a rally instead in Harrisburg, PA. Who can blame him?

The performance at the “Dinner” was disgraceful to say the least. We’ll just leave you with this clip and let you decide.