Category Archives: State Government

A Nation of Laws

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” ~ John Adams

There are many who challenge the fundamentals of the Constitution of these United States of America.  If John Adams, the 2nd President of our Nation, is to be taken at his word then we must question the morality of those who challenge our foundation. Immigrants come to the US legally and illegally bringing their culture with them. Most Americans welcome different cultures to include the foods and traditions.  They come here for a better life but assimilation to our legal culture is required. They MUST honor our legal structure and laws.

And what about religion?  Adams and the other founders were religious to various degrees but all did not adhere to traditional values set forth in the church of that day.

Adams claimed that statesmen “may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand.” Read More

Whether or not morality can exist without religion can be bantered about from now until the end of time, but the moral compass of this Nation is dependent upon a civilized citizenry.  Religion certainly plays its role in that process.  The immoral use a different set of tools than those seeking moral high ground.  Divisiveness exploiting race, gender, and religion as a political tool was used by the Democrats and was the go-to tool in Barack Hussein Obama’s bag of political tricks during his tenure as POTUS.  And it was used by Hillary Clinton in her campaign for President and is being used currently by the left, to include Clinton and Obama. They still can’t believe she lost.

The left looks for a fissure in the rock. They look to divide us as a people by any means necessary.  They create division where there is none.  They also make promises they can not keep.  And the ignorant buy their goods.

“We are a nation of laws, not of men.” ~John Adams

We need borders.  We need to enforce our laws.  We need strong conservative leadership.  We need parents to do the parenting, not public schools.  We need Morality and we need God.

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John Nix

Conservative grassroots advocate for smaller government, lower taxes, transparency at all levels of government, and individual liberty.


Big Daddy Government

Leftists worship Big Daddy Government because “they don’t have a hope in God,…. they have no hope in a higher power” so says NC Lt. Governor Dan Forest. Sure there’s a difference in radical leftists and every day liberals…. not much, but there is a slight separation. Leftists march in the street claiming they are “nasty women” wearing vagina hats. Yes, that’s pretty nasty….

Image result for nasty women

For the most part liberals just want equality and for everyone to get along. Leftists identify more with anarchists.

Most liberals think they are saving the planet by driving a Prius and supporting corporate solar farms, but both, leftists and liberals, vote the same way and are easily misled.

What liberals just won’t admit is that when they vote for any Democrat, they are voting to support abortion. Some of you would dispute this fact and that’s okay, but you would be wrong. The Democratic Platform makes it very clear where they stand on abortion, the murder of the unborn.Aborted

Keep voting Democrat, keep feeding the monster, and keep supporting their radically immoral agenda. 

Government is their God. In fact they voted to remove the word God from their platform altogether. Can’t mention God, someone may be offended. Can’t mention gender, someone may be offended. Can’t mention race or you are automatically a racist. But Big Daddy Government needs gender and race for you driver’s license. Leftists and most liberals are hypocrites. Leftists are socialists and would have everyone sucking off of government subsidies. They do not acknowledge God and hate the United States but would spend that free money. On our currency appear the words “In God We Trust”. How long will that last?

Republicans push less regulation because we enjoy our innate God-given liberties. The Left wants to be controlled, enslaved.  No one can successfully argue that government doesn’t take freedom and liberties from us. The left confuses God with Government.

Here’s an example of a Leftist elected official? California Governor Jerry Brown says the Bible is discriminatory towards the LGBT crowd so he’s pushing a House bill that bans sales of the Bible and Christian counseling. No, seriously this is real! READ HERE  These people will stop at nothing!

Republicans abolished slavery because we believe are all created the same in the eyes of God. If we didn’t believe in God that line of thinking is no good, right? Republicans also championed the Civil Rights movement in the 60’s.  Many Democrats, especially black Democrats, give those credits to the Democrats. This was an overwhelmingly Republican led Act.

Image result for emancipation

The leftist narrative is extremely bizarre and well funded and they are in the business of brainwashing and spewing false narratives. Facts be damned!  A lot of funding comes from out of our country. George Soros is prime example. Disgustingly enough, even past President Obama and his wife, Michele are working to undermine the Trump administration. CLICK HERE

Academia doesn’t do morality any favors. Why do we send our kids to these viper pits? A New Testament studies Professor at Holy Cross named Benny Liew, claims there was “something quintessentially queer” about Jesus’s relationship with God the Father. Also, that washing the disciples feet was sexually “suggestive, even seductive.” He noted that Jesus was a cross-dresser and had  queer desires.

We are sending way too many kids to college and not enough to trade schools. But that’s another column.

Wars have been fought for centuries for land mass take over… at any cost. Why do some folks have a hard time believing it’s happening right here in these United States? Is the country is brainwashed by Main Stream Media? There are many within our borders that hate America and want to take part in its downfall.

Now is the time for you to get down and dirty and fight for what you know is right. Fight for your conservative values and for adherence to some semblance of morality. We can not win this battle by ignoring their advance or yelling at the TV or quietly discussing it at work. No! You are going to have to get LOUD and BOLD….

Because they are coming for ALL your Land, your Rights, and ALL your money, and your children’s minds. Maybe even your life.


They are already working harder than we are!

Continue reading

Media, the Mentally Ill, Mass Shootings, & Cultural Marxism

The Media and the Mentally Ill are quite compatible. Mass shootings, to include school shootings, are trending. The frequency of which, appears to be gaining steam. Today another school shooting, only to be cut short by a School Resource Officer on duty. There have also been package bombs going off in places like a FedEx hub. And now another reported in Austin. Copycats driven by an obsessed media fueled by leftist money? READ
The Main Stream Media (MSM) wants you to believe there have been around 20 school shootings in 2018. Remember, MSM, sells and profits from not only “news” but gossip and fabricated narratives. Non-credible news outlets SELL to the emotionally disabled and uneducated. Credibility means the news is based on fact. If it is not based on fact then it is not news. READ
Image result for gun control myths and facts
The media provides these characters, the shooters, bombers, and stabbers, Hollywood status. For weeks and months their names and faces appear in tabloid print and on television and that is their reward. We find some have been bullied and some were loners. Some were depressed or they had a not-so-great family life. Some were sexually abused and are now lashing out. The liberal media shows compassion for the victims and THEN for the shooter. It’s an emotional thing to be a liberal. Then the liberal drive by media blames it on the gun or the gun store owner that sold the gun to the shooter legally…. they blame an inanimate object.
And then all the focus for days and weeks turns to “gun control”… “We must find a better way… we must control” possession of these inanimate objects that didn’t commit the crime and never will. Should we regulate the purchase of fuel? Gasoline makes a great bomb. Should we regulate the purchase of automobiles? They have killed far more than guns ever have.

family values
We have abandoned common sense in solving our societal problems. The death penalty works when you re-energize those electric chairs. If you kill somebody then you will get killed right back!
The number one problem is traditional family values have eroded and consequences for inappropriate actions are not being taught and ingrained in the home.
Because we are Americans we have certain Inalienable Rights granted by God, not by man. Man cannot take those rights from us. My right to protect myself and my family by any means necessary shall not be infringed.

“The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time; the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them.” –Thomas Jefferson: Rights of British America, 1774. ME 1:211, Papers 1:135

So the answer is not Gun Control. For those pushing that narrative it’s really all about CONTROL. For them, Government is their God and they would only have the military and police in possession of guns or weapons of any type. They abandon all common sense and any principle of individual liberty and true freedom.

Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

~Benjamin Franklin~

The left will continue it’s assault on your freedoms as afforded by US citizenship . They hate the US Constitution as written and will continue to twist the narrative to their advantage every day.

Image result for no gender

They don’t care about you, your kids, your parents, your kids’ school, the dog, none of it. They only care about the Cultural Marxist agenda they signed on to, perhaps unknowingly – READ
cultural marxism
It’s time to educate yourself or re-educate. We are living in a world where anything goes. Gender equality? Where did that come from and how could it possibly be related to gun violence? We’ll cover that in the next Daily News Fix.

Turkey hunting

A hard day Turkey hunting… John never lets his gun go hunting by itself!

Questions Liberal Progressive Democrats Won’t Answer

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This author spells it out. The US Constitution makes no allowance for the bill of goods progressive liberals and the Main Stream Media are trying to sell us. The following are questions liberal progressive democrats peddling the Gun Control narrative will refuse to answer.

1. I want those pushing for Gun Control to tell me my life, or the lives of those I love, are not as important as someone they believe should be allowed to own or carry weapons. 
2. I want to know why those same people, who also push for equality, don’t believe we all have an equal right to self defense.
3. I also want to know from those who are pushing Gun Control, if they still believe designated gun free zones are safe from those who don’t obey the law and how they plan to stop an active shooter if law enforcement is not near to defend those in the gun free zone.
4. Lastly, I want those who are pushing for Gun Control to tell those of us who own and carry weapons, they do not want us to defend them if the need arises.


“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”


Michele Nix is in her second term as NCGOP Vice-Chairman and believes in upholding the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution as written.

Don’t Vote With Your Feelings

“All politics is local”

Municipal races are in full swing and early voting is underway in many cities and towns. I enjoy this time of year but as a grassroots activist of the conservative variety it still surprises and amazes me when I hear why residents vote for a particular candidate.

In small town politics, my home town included,  it has been my observation that most residents vote, not on the candidate’s qualifications or ability to lead, but rather on candidate popularity, race, and/or party affiliation. Many get their marching orders at the polls.

In general, the liberal mentality is emotionally based, while conservatives tend to see things in a more pragmatic manner. It’s important to work together to serve all residents fairly, but if your tax base is low, the budget needs to reflect that reality. Conservatives tend to promote living within their means while simultaneously serving all residents equally.




  • 1.dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations:“a pragmatic approach to politics”synonyms:practicalmatter-of-factsensibledown-to-earthcommonsensical… moreantonyms:impractical

Powered by Oxford Dictionaries


When you elect a Mayor, City or Town Councilman or other public servant, you are electing them to make decisions for you for the next four(4) years or whatever that term may be.

Feelings don’t really matter. Electing qualified individuals that will make fair decisions with your money is what really matters.

Regardless of what they campaign on, non-qualified candidates have no business playing Monopoly with tax dollars. 

What does “All politics is local” mean? It means you are affected the most by local politics, not by what is does at the State and Federal level. Think about it.

Just something to chew on. Vote Responsibly!

Liberal Fear Mongering Is A Weapon

The sole letter to the editor published in the Kinston Free Press in the Sunday, July 23rd edition entitled “How to have less crime in North Carolina” raised a few Red Flags. In his letter, Mr. Pearson submits that young people have guns “many of which are stolen or given to them by elders.” He then offered up a way to catch these perpetrators, “young criminals” who are “getting away with it”. He suggests a minimum age to purchase ammunition be set at 20 years of age, that retailers be required to make available to law enforcement the name, age, address, type of ammo and quantity.  He says our legislature and governor should take action.

Red FlagSee any red flags yet? The first one, of course, is an infringement on our Second Amendment rights by limiting a person old enough to go to war and defend his or her country from buying ammunition in the States. Furthermore, to have ammo buyers submitted into yet another layered database is just another infringement on privacy. Current North Carolina law does not require a license for the sale of ammunition, require sellers of ammunition to maintain a record of the purchasers, or require a license to purchase or possess ammunition.

Ammo Load

From the Center For Disease Control statistics, heart disease is the number one killer in these united States with around 633,000 dying each year. Cancer comes in second at around 560,000. You may think it bizarre, but how about if we required retailers to check your identification and have reports ready on how much unhealthy food you buy at the market or how many cigarettes you purchase? You say, “Well that’s not the same thing. It’s my right to eat the way I want and to smoke.” But fat and cigarettes kill far more people than guns.  According to the CDC, in 2015 there were over 36,000 gun related deaths, many of which were self inflicted.

That means the chances of you eating yourself to death are about 17.5 times higher than death by firearm.Fat Kid

I submit we should not legislate more law. We are already overburdened with regulation. I submit that each child deserves a mother and a father to raise them. Most of our problems today stem directly from irresponsible parenting. Guns get a bad rap because they are easy prey. False narratives created by main stream media, along with liberal fear mongering, continue to pad the pockets of anti-gun special interest groups and indoctrinate the ignorant with liberal logic.

People are afraid of things they don’t understand. Don’t be that person.

Your Work Is Not Done

We had a benchmark historic election in North Carolina and nationally on November 8, 2016. Many are disappointed Governor Pat McCrory was not re-elected. There are questions looming as to why and further analysis by others will follow. The answer is multifaceted. We’ll do that in another piece.

Voter fraud was exposed, as never before. Will those caught red-handed be prosecuted and will the media cover it?

These felonious crimes need to be exposed but have a tendency to get buried. The last minute federal court reversal of the “Voter ID” bill opened the door for Democrats to promote mass confusion and chaos at polling sites with the same day registration provision. Ethics aside, these Alinsky tactics worked but not well enough this time!

Donald John Trump is our President elect and he is sure to stir things up inside the D.C. belt-line and across the nation.

For the naysayers, those that say his provocative manner and big ideas won’t work, allow me to remind you from whence he came.

He doesn’t beat around the bush and he listens to trusted sources that do what they do best. I look forward to the next four years. What a blessing and comfort it is to have real hope for our children and grandchildren and know they actually have chance to prosper. This was a battle worth fighting! On top of that, we have a Republican Congress to back the President moving forward.

Hold them accountable. It is your job and mine! Remember, this is a Republic, not a Democracy!

Eleven (11) of fifteen (15) NC State Court of Appeals judges are Republican. For the first time since Reconstruction we have a Republican Commissioner of Insurance, Mike Causey, at the helm in North Carolina and a new Republican face, Mark Johnson, leading as Superintendent of Public Instruction. Dale Folwell will serve as Treasurer. Dan Forest will serve his second term as Lt. Governor and will run for Governor in 2020.

But as soon as the dust settled on November 8th, a three judge panel decided it was best for us to have a special election under newly drawn House and Senate lines. They know what is best for you and me, right? Opening the door for more gerrymandering? Maybe? So we’ll have a bigger ballot in 2017 with freshly drawn lines, unless the appeal to the Supreme Court is heard, and won. Don’t you love these last minute Alinsky tactics? Don’t you love the fact that these appointees control your fate, only because they can?

crybabyThere is no time to rest, my Right-minded friends. While we have been celebrating, the progressive left is sharpening their spears and strapping on their armor. You might think I’m being melodramatic, but they are not happy campers and the nastiness will continue.


Our conservative ethics and morals, our Christian belief system, and our world view don’t lend themselves to surprise attacks and prostituting ourselves for a few pieces of silver. We believe in and promote lower taxes, smaller government, personal liberty (less government invention), just to name a few.

The Democratic party has become full blown socialist in their ideals. Just take a look at their platform. I was ridiculed by a long time Democrat leader in a reply by “letter to the editor” earlier this year for an editorial comparing the Republican and Democratic platforms. Righteous Democrat(s) attempting to defend their party just don’t have a leg to stand on. Their “party” has gotten away from them. For instance, how does one claim to be a Christian yet still support a party platform that promotes full term abortion? They say, “I’m a registered Democrat because my Daddy was, and his Daddy was….” Blah, blah blah. My questions to them would be, “Do you agree with full term abortion and a bloated oppressive government? How about open borders? Do you like the idea that roughly half of the population benefits from tax subsidies that you work to provide to them?” READ HERE

No time to rest. This is a time for preparation for the next battle against progressive liberals lying in wait. Seriously, do you think because Republicans won, these folks just accepted it? Nope. You’ll see more soon, like hoodlum NC NAACP President Rev. Wm. Barber marching on the North Carolina General Assembly and getting arrested all for self promotion and free publicity.hoodlum-barber

The Democrat party is the Party of Oppression, plain and simple. Keeping more people on subsidies like food stamps and welfare benefits their leadership. Government is their provider. Low income single mothers will tell you they are leveraged. It’s better financially to stay home and take care of the children. Why would they work and receive less. That is the fault of government and it’s leadership stemming from New Deal era politics and magnified by Johnson administration. george-sorosIt’s a Ponzi scheme low-life leeches like Barber thrive on. His funding sources, George Soros for one, are eaten up with vindictiveness after their loss. They’ll continue to pay Barber to stir the kettle and Barber will continue to line his own pockets with questionable special interest money.

The Democrats work to enslave as many as they can… slaves to the government and tax subsidies while Republican values are just the opposite. Democrats have “Progressively” put more bread on the table of those who will “play along”. Government has become their God. Government continues to take more and more from the honest, hard-working middle class base that wouldn’t think of taking what they didn’t work for. Despicable, but they must feed the machine that feeds them.

Welfare, food stamps and other subsidies are designed as a “hand up, not a hand out”. We have allowed this ethical shift over time. “It’s 100 miles into the woods and 100 miles out”, as they say. Let’s get to walking!


They Are Coming For Your Ballot!

After cyber attacks on a few state election board websites the Obama administration may be forcing it’s hand in a big way. This is quite dangerous for all Americans and not to be taken lightly. The federal government has no jurisdiction over election proceedings. This duty is left to our sovereign states. But what do you know, right? The Obama regime has issued the following statement:

“We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the power grid,”… “There’s a vital national interest in our election process, so I do think we need to consider whether it should be considered by my department and others critical infrastructure,” said Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson

hack the vote

The key words here are “critical infrastucture”…. they are trying to make the case that the states can’t pull off just one more election without help from the federal government. So Obama, the caped crusader, and his Democratic regime are rushing in to “save” the nation from “those bad old hackers” in the name of Cyber security.  This comes two months before the most crucial and defining general election in the history of our nation.

Opinion? For DHS to come in and say “this is what we’re going to do” could be seen as police state activity.

In fact it, the general perception is the Obama regime will do anything to help Hillary win in November…. even forcing control over and rigging this election!

The only legal way the feds could step in and take over election process would be at a state’s request or Congress pass a law. But since there is no time for that and this rogue administration does not respect the law any more than they do you or me, expect another forthcoming “executive order”.

bitch hillary 1

We’ve watched an unqualified vindictive POTUS drive this country into the ground over the last 8 years. If you’ve had enough of the incompetence, his globalist approach to immigration and refugee resettlement, his unwillingness to call out radical Islamic, his repetitive lies…… well you ain’t seen nothing yet. Let Hillary Clinton win this election and we are DONE for as a sovereign nation. Your 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights will be taken. She has already made that promise. This is going to be a real gun fight, friends.

Voting Is A Privilege & Civic Duty

The North Carolina “Voter ID Bill” was recently overturned by a panel of federal activist judges. Plans for One-Stop voting in all 100 counties had already been submitted to the State Board of Elections office. Because of provisions that were in the now overturned “Voter ID Bill” One-Stop or early voting reverted to the 2012 rules.

Each County was given the latitude to choose between the minimum required plan or their own customized plan. Because we have a Republican Governor the Board of Elections members in each County generally consist of two Republicans and one Democrat appointed by their respective County Party Chairmen.

In Lenoir County we believe that all voters can be served adequately during the early voting process by implementing the Board of Elections office as the sole voting place for the minimum required plan. Because a unanimous decision could not be reached by the three board members two very different plans will now go to the State Board of Elections. A few of the majority party’s reasons for the minimum plan include:

• The site will accommodate a substantial number of voting machines.
• The site meets all the physical specifications required.
• The minimal amount of seasonal staff needed.
• All Board of Election staff will be in the adjacent office including the Director and IT personnel.
• Monitor voter fraud more effectively. Lenoir County BOE knows of several cases of attempted voter fraud in the 2012 election.
• Active voters in January, 2012 were 34,656. In January, 2016 the active voters were 31,294, a decrease of 3362 voters or a 9.7% decrease in active voters.
• Lenoir County Board of Elections budget was reduced by $44,000 for tax year 2016.
o The total cost of the proposed plan from the Majority Plan will be approximately $7600 with 106.5 total hours of operation in one location.
o The total cost proposed by the Minority Party will be over $62,000 including rental fees and/or lease agreements for six operating sites with a total of 828 hours, which is excessive in comparison to like-sized counties.

In 2012 there were four One Stop Voting locations, with two sites producing over 77% of the total votes cast. One site, which is no longer available due to unsanitary and unacceptable conditions, was the largest producing site with 49.48% of the total votes cast for the 2012 General Election, is within 2.5 miles of the Lenoir County Board of Elections. The second site, which is no longer an option, is within 8 city blocks of the Lenoir County Board of Elections and produced approximately 28% of the total votes cast in the 2012 General Election.

In conclusion, The Lenoir County Board of Elections site offers ample space to accommodate all voters willing to cast a ballot. The site is easily accessible, well known, and safe for all voters. This proposal also meets the minimum required plan for One Stop Voting.

Voting is a privilege and a civic duty. If you know you will have difficulty making it to of the polls please request an Absentee Ballot from your local Board of Elections office.

The Truth About Guns

As published in the Kinston Free Press 6/23/2016

By John Nix / Guest Columnist

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” So reads the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Yet, the right to protect oneself is a provision from God, not man. Hence, no government or individual can take that away. In every presidential election cycle “the right to bear arms” becomes a talking point. The massacre in Orlando last week at a gay nightclub carried out by a Muslim extremist is an example of using a tragedy to further a political agenda. Like they say, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” No sooner than the shots rang out, the progressive left was calling for new bans on weaponry. Since then, the Senate has considered four new bills in an attempt to change accessibility to weapons. All four failed to reach the floor for a full vote.

Alternate sexual lifestyles and gender preferences have dominated the news lately with North Carolina kicking off a national gender debate surrounding bathroom laws. Celebrities and corporations piled on the boycott wagon threatening to pack their bags or not perform unless House Bill 2 was dropped. HB2 upholds the common sense morality that men use the men’s restroom and women likewise. Then the federal government threatened to snatch education funding unless HB2 was rescinded. The governor and legislature have vowed to stand their moral high ground and filed suit with the feds filing their own. So what does this have to do with Second Amendment rights?
The media narrative would have us all believing that HB2 creates some sort of crisis for the LGBT population, which only makes up about .03 percent of the population or 3 in 1,000. The convenient timing of this manufactured crisis in a presidential year is designed to draw our attention away from more important matters. This administration’s refusal to protect our borders, irresponsibly importing Syrian refugees with no effective background checks, a bloviated unemployment rate with record numbers out of work and on taxpayer funded subsidies, and the refusal by the president and staff to use the words “radical Islam” is enough reason for this administration to shift the focus.

On Monday, the 911 transcript from the Orlando crisis was released with the word “God” replacing “Allah” throughout. Omar Mateen’s admission of his allegiance to ISIS was omitted. Later the same day this was redacted to reveal the true transcript. This was clearly an act of radical Islamic terror. The president cannot hide the truth from the American people any longer. Mateen planned this attack to serve the ISIS agenda. Yet the president and his staff refuse to even call it a terror attack. Instead he uses the bully pulpit to preach gun control preying on fear and ignorance of the electorate. Obama intends to convince you that the police and military are the only ones that should have guns, that the government is your friend and will protect you. He uses the money hungry media to push his propaganda.

An awful thing happened in Orlando. A radical Islamic terrorist killed 49 people in a gay nightclub with a gun. The liberal mind sees this as due cause for total eradication of private gun ownership. For the educated Constitutional conservative this incident only further clarifies why we need to protect our Second Amendment rights now more than ever. Conspiracy theories say this was all orchestrated by this administration to further their attack on the Second Amendment. I won’t go there, but you’ve got to be sleep walking not to connect a few dots.

The Democrat machine continues to attack our right to bear arms and will continue to do so through the appointment of liberal federal judges. We know guns aren’t the problem. Just compare the 1.1 million babies per year slaughtered through abortion to the 11,200 per year homicidal gun deaths. Now try to convince me progressive Democrats efforts to quell our gun rights has anything to do with the sanctity of human life. They use fear as a propaganda tool to control the “sheeple”. The Second Amendment was ratified to protect us from a rogue government. Stay informed, protect your Constitutional rights and your family. Remember, you have an innate right to protect yourself and don’t need permission from a bloviated self-serving government to do so.

The opinions of the guest columnist are not necessarily those of The Free Press.

John Nix is the co-founder and partner at Matrix East, PLLC. He’s also the president of the CSS Neuse Foundation and the lead plaintiff in the Nix, et al v. Eric Holder case, for the reversal of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.