Category Archives: Local Government

Big Daddy Government

Leftists worship Big Daddy Government because “they don’t have a hope in God,…. they have no hope in a higher power” so says NC Lt. Governor Dan Forest. Sure there’s a difference in radical leftists and every day liberals…. not much, but there is a slight separation. Leftists march in the street claiming they are “nasty women” wearing vagina hats. Yes, that’s pretty nasty….

Image result for nasty women

For the most part liberals just want equality and for everyone to get along. Leftists identify more with anarchists.

Most liberals think they are saving the planet by driving a Prius and supporting corporate solar farms, but both, leftists and liberals, vote the same way and are easily misled.

What liberals just won’t admit is that when they vote for any Democrat, they are voting to support abortion. Some of you would dispute this fact and that’s okay, but you would be wrong. The Democratic Platform makes it very clear where they stand on abortion, the murder of the unborn.Aborted

Keep voting Democrat, keep feeding the monster, and keep supporting their radically immoral agenda. 

Government is their God. In fact they voted to remove the word God from their platform altogether. Can’t mention God, someone may be offended. Can’t mention gender, someone may be offended. Can’t mention race or you are automatically a racist. But Big Daddy Government needs gender and race for you driver’s license. Leftists and most liberals are hypocrites. Leftists are socialists and would have everyone sucking off of government subsidies. They do not acknowledge God and hate the United States but would spend that free money. On our currency appear the words “In God We Trust”. How long will that last?

Republicans push less regulation because we enjoy our innate God-given liberties. The Left wants to be controlled, enslaved.  No one can successfully argue that government doesn’t take freedom and liberties from us. The left confuses God with Government.

Here’s an example of a Leftist elected official? California Governor Jerry Brown says the Bible is discriminatory towards the LGBT crowd so he’s pushing a House bill that bans sales of the Bible and Christian counseling. No, seriously this is real! READ HERE  These people will stop at nothing!

Republicans abolished slavery because we believe are all created the same in the eyes of God. If we didn’t believe in God that line of thinking is no good, right? Republicans also championed the Civil Rights movement in the 60’s.  Many Democrats, especially black Democrats, give those credits to the Democrats. This was an overwhelmingly Republican led Act.

Image result for emancipation

The leftist narrative is extremely bizarre and well funded and they are in the business of brainwashing and spewing false narratives. Facts be damned!  A lot of funding comes from out of our country. George Soros is prime example. Disgustingly enough, even past President Obama and his wife, Michele are working to undermine the Trump administration. CLICK HERE

Academia doesn’t do morality any favors. Why do we send our kids to these viper pits? A New Testament studies Professor at Holy Cross named Benny Liew, claims there was “something quintessentially queer” about Jesus’s relationship with God the Father. Also, that washing the disciples feet was sexually “suggestive, even seductive.” He noted that Jesus was a cross-dresser and had  queer desires.

We are sending way too many kids to college and not enough to trade schools. But that’s another column.

Wars have been fought for centuries for land mass take over… at any cost. Why do some folks have a hard time believing it’s happening right here in these United States? Is the country is brainwashed by Main Stream Media? There are many within our borders that hate America and want to take part in its downfall.

Now is the time for you to get down and dirty and fight for what you know is right. Fight for your conservative values and for adherence to some semblance of morality. We can not win this battle by ignoring their advance or yelling at the TV or quietly discussing it at work. No! You are going to have to get LOUD and BOLD….

Because they are coming for ALL your Land, your Rights, and ALL your money, and your children’s minds. Maybe even your life.


They are already working harder than we are!

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Questions Liberal Progressive Democrats Won’t Answer

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This author spells it out. The US Constitution makes no allowance for the bill of goods progressive liberals and the Main Stream Media are trying to sell us. The following are questions liberal progressive democrats peddling the Gun Control narrative will refuse to answer.

1. I want those pushing for Gun Control to tell me my life, or the lives of those I love, are not as important as someone they believe should be allowed to own or carry weapons. 
2. I want to know why those same people, who also push for equality, don’t believe we all have an equal right to self defense.
3. I also want to know from those who are pushing Gun Control, if they still believe designated gun free zones are safe from those who don’t obey the law and how they plan to stop an active shooter if law enforcement is not near to defend those in the gun free zone.
4. Lastly, I want those who are pushing for Gun Control to tell those of us who own and carry weapons, they do not want us to defend them if the need arises.


“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”


Michele Nix is in her second term as NCGOP Vice-Chairman and believes in upholding the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution as written.

Public Private Partnership Fails… Deal Could Chain Residents to Long Term Debt

A funny thing happened on the way to the gym a few months ago. Yep, I arrived and it was closed. All the equipment was gone! Empty! The note said my membership would transfer laterally to another local gym. The owners were going out of business.

Flashback 7 years ago when the City of Kinston and County of Lenoir entered into a public/private contractual agreement with Woodmen of the World to build office facilities, a state of the art gymnasium and a water park! An $8 million project. Taxpayers dollars were put on the table quickly to the tune of $1 million. Half from the City and half from the County and the Woodmen Community Center was constructed. There are other recurring expenses such as maintaining insurance, but the contract called for $1 million. The center/water park did remarkably well for the first year but has been losing money ever since. Image result for public private partnership

The Woodmen Community Center has already become a Fiscal Albatross to the Woodmen of the World organization and to the City/County. So let’s look at where our liberal elected leaders and non-elected bureaucrats have led us. 

First infraction – Government should NEVER compete with the private sector!  Public/private partnerships are enticing but rarely work without infringing upon personal rights. Our leadership entered into an agreement, as such January 30, 2011, with YOUR money READ HERE.

The Woodmen Center was a losing proposition from the beginning. Using tax dollars to put gyms out of business or damage them financially is a cardinal sin. But the public bought the “snake oil” hook, line, and sinker. Did the residents have a choice in the matter? I think not as the vote was shoved through with very little public disclosure.

The promise of affordable memberships and the water park bringing business was a sales gimmick.  Prior to building of the Center, I questioned a, now retired, department head as to how it is that the population he intended to serve couldn’t afford a membership and most likely wouldn’t be able to get there. He said they would have scholarships and the River Walk would be built making it easier for travel by bike or walking. I asked where the scholarships would come from and why he thought he could depend on a trail that wasn’t even funded as a travel route from east Kinston. He could not answer the question.

Now there is also a lawsuit pending against the Woodmen after a near drowning. Losing money hand over fist and facing a lawsuit of this magnitude, no wonder they want to “Gift” the facility to local government (Click HERE). Will our elected leaders make the same mistake again and fall for the Bling? From reading some news quotes, sounds as if our freshman Mayor and some others in leadership are leaning that way. It’s not YOUR money to lose, Mayor! This is a terrible deal for the City and County. Do the right thing!Image result for BAD CONTRACT

As we say in my profession ~ “You start out wrong and keep going wrong and you wind up wrong!” 

Kinston City Council and Lenoir County Commissioners must hold Woodmen to this contract.The Woodmen Organization can bear the financial burden in fulfilling their obligations. If it takes a lawsuit to persuade them to do the right thing, then so be it.

The taxpayers CAN NOT support this Center without more hidden fees and/or increased taxes. Kinston and Lenoir County have one of the highest combined tax rates in the state of North Carolina. Ironically, we are one of the poorest counties in the State. Those residents already bearing the brunt of the fiscal responsibility in this County are done with inadequate leadership. We will NOT further subsidize incompetence. Tell them to do the right thing!


Read the original agreement by clicking HERE

  1. Contact your City Council Members and County Commissioners and tell them NOT to take the “GIFT” from the Woodmen of the World organization. Tell them to stick to the original agreement no matter what. We don’t want the inevitable debt!
  2. Links for contacting City Council Members are HERE
  3. Links for contacting County Commissioners are HERE

You can stay abreast of developments by visiting the Woodmen Infomation for Kinston-Lenoir Citizens Facebook Page by clicking HERE.

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Don’t Vote With Your Feelings

“All politics is local”

Municipal races are in full swing and early voting is underway in many cities and towns. I enjoy this time of year but as a grassroots activist of the conservative variety it still surprises and amazes me when I hear why residents vote for a particular candidate.

In small town politics, my home town included,  it has been my observation that most residents vote, not on the candidate’s qualifications or ability to lead, but rather on candidate popularity, race, and/or party affiliation. Many get their marching orders at the polls.

In general, the liberal mentality is emotionally based, while conservatives tend to see things in a more pragmatic manner. It’s important to work together to serve all residents fairly, but if your tax base is low, the budget needs to reflect that reality. Conservatives tend to promote living within their means while simultaneously serving all residents equally.




  • 1.dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations:“a pragmatic approach to politics”synonyms:practicalmatter-of-factsensibledown-to-earthcommonsensical… moreantonyms:impractical

Powered by Oxford Dictionaries


When you elect a Mayor, City or Town Councilman or other public servant, you are electing them to make decisions for you for the next four(4) years or whatever that term may be.

Feelings don’t really matter. Electing qualified individuals that will make fair decisions with your money is what really matters.

Regardless of what they campaign on, non-qualified candidates have no business playing Monopoly with tax dollars. 

What does “All politics is local” mean? It means you are affected the most by local politics, not by what is does at the State and Federal level. Think about it.

Just something to chew on. Vote Responsibly!

Liberal Fear Mongering Is A Weapon

The sole letter to the editor published in the Kinston Free Press in the Sunday, July 23rd edition entitled “How to have less crime in North Carolina” raised a few Red Flags. In his letter, Mr. Pearson submits that young people have guns “many of which are stolen or given to them by elders.” He then offered up a way to catch these perpetrators, “young criminals” who are “getting away with it”. He suggests a minimum age to purchase ammunition be set at 20 years of age, that retailers be required to make available to law enforcement the name, age, address, type of ammo and quantity.  He says our legislature and governor should take action.

Red FlagSee any red flags yet? The first one, of course, is an infringement on our Second Amendment rights by limiting a person old enough to go to war and defend his or her country from buying ammunition in the States. Furthermore, to have ammo buyers submitted into yet another layered database is just another infringement on privacy. Current North Carolina law does not require a license for the sale of ammunition, require sellers of ammunition to maintain a record of the purchasers, or require a license to purchase or possess ammunition.

Ammo Load

From the Center For Disease Control statistics, heart disease is the number one killer in these united States with around 633,000 dying each year. Cancer comes in second at around 560,000. You may think it bizarre, but how about if we required retailers to check your identification and have reports ready on how much unhealthy food you buy at the market or how many cigarettes you purchase? You say, “Well that’s not the same thing. It’s my right to eat the way I want and to smoke.” But fat and cigarettes kill far more people than guns.  According to the CDC, in 2015 there were over 36,000 gun related deaths, many of which were self inflicted.

That means the chances of you eating yourself to death are about 17.5 times higher than death by firearm.Fat Kid

I submit we should not legislate more law. We are already overburdened with regulation. I submit that each child deserves a mother and a father to raise them. Most of our problems today stem directly from irresponsible parenting. Guns get a bad rap because they are easy prey. False narratives created by main stream media, along with liberal fear mongering, continue to pad the pockets of anti-gun special interest groups and indoctrinate the ignorant with liberal logic.

People are afraid of things they don’t understand. Don’t be that person.

Voting Is A Privilege & Civic Duty

The North Carolina “Voter ID Bill” was recently overturned by a panel of federal activist judges. Plans for One-Stop voting in all 100 counties had already been submitted to the State Board of Elections office. Because of provisions that were in the now overturned “Voter ID Bill” One-Stop or early voting reverted to the 2012 rules.

Each County was given the latitude to choose between the minimum required plan or their own customized plan. Because we have a Republican Governor the Board of Elections members in each County generally consist of two Republicans and one Democrat appointed by their respective County Party Chairmen.

In Lenoir County we believe that all voters can be served adequately during the early voting process by implementing the Board of Elections office as the sole voting place for the minimum required plan. Because a unanimous decision could not be reached by the three board members two very different plans will now go to the State Board of Elections. A few of the majority party’s reasons for the minimum plan include:

• The site will accommodate a substantial number of voting machines.
• The site meets all the physical specifications required.
• The minimal amount of seasonal staff needed.
• All Board of Election staff will be in the adjacent office including the Director and IT personnel.
• Monitor voter fraud more effectively. Lenoir County BOE knows of several cases of attempted voter fraud in the 2012 election.
• Active voters in January, 2012 were 34,656. In January, 2016 the active voters were 31,294, a decrease of 3362 voters or a 9.7% decrease in active voters.
• Lenoir County Board of Elections budget was reduced by $44,000 for tax year 2016.
o The total cost of the proposed plan from the Majority Plan will be approximately $7600 with 106.5 total hours of operation in one location.
o The total cost proposed by the Minority Party will be over $62,000 including rental fees and/or lease agreements for six operating sites with a total of 828 hours, which is excessive in comparison to like-sized counties.

In 2012 there were four One Stop Voting locations, with two sites producing over 77% of the total votes cast. One site, which is no longer available due to unsanitary and unacceptable conditions, was the largest producing site with 49.48% of the total votes cast for the 2012 General Election, is within 2.5 miles of the Lenoir County Board of Elections. The second site, which is no longer an option, is within 8 city blocks of the Lenoir County Board of Elections and produced approximately 28% of the total votes cast in the 2012 General Election.

In conclusion, The Lenoir County Board of Elections site offers ample space to accommodate all voters willing to cast a ballot. The site is easily accessible, well known, and safe for all voters. This proposal also meets the minimum required plan for One Stop Voting.

Voting is a privilege and a civic duty. If you know you will have difficulty making it to of the polls please request an Absentee Ballot from your local Board of Elections office.

The Truth About Guns

As published in the Kinston Free Press 6/23/2016

By John Nix / Guest Columnist

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” So reads the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Yet, the right to protect oneself is a provision from God, not man. Hence, no government or individual can take that away. In every presidential election cycle “the right to bear arms” becomes a talking point. The massacre in Orlando last week at a gay nightclub carried out by a Muslim extremist is an example of using a tragedy to further a political agenda. Like they say, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” No sooner than the shots rang out, the progressive left was calling for new bans on weaponry. Since then, the Senate has considered four new bills in an attempt to change accessibility to weapons. All four failed to reach the floor for a full vote.

Alternate sexual lifestyles and gender preferences have dominated the news lately with North Carolina kicking off a national gender debate surrounding bathroom laws. Celebrities and corporations piled on the boycott wagon threatening to pack their bags or not perform unless House Bill 2 was dropped. HB2 upholds the common sense morality that men use the men’s restroom and women likewise. Then the federal government threatened to snatch education funding unless HB2 was rescinded. The governor and legislature have vowed to stand their moral high ground and filed suit with the feds filing their own. So what does this have to do with Second Amendment rights?
The media narrative would have us all believing that HB2 creates some sort of crisis for the LGBT population, which only makes up about .03 percent of the population or 3 in 1,000. The convenient timing of this manufactured crisis in a presidential year is designed to draw our attention away from more important matters. This administration’s refusal to protect our borders, irresponsibly importing Syrian refugees with no effective background checks, a bloviated unemployment rate with record numbers out of work and on taxpayer funded subsidies, and the refusal by the president and staff to use the words “radical Islam” is enough reason for this administration to shift the focus.

On Monday, the 911 transcript from the Orlando crisis was released with the word “God” replacing “Allah” throughout. Omar Mateen’s admission of his allegiance to ISIS was omitted. Later the same day this was redacted to reveal the true transcript. This was clearly an act of radical Islamic terror. The president cannot hide the truth from the American people any longer. Mateen planned this attack to serve the ISIS agenda. Yet the president and his staff refuse to even call it a terror attack. Instead he uses the bully pulpit to preach gun control preying on fear and ignorance of the electorate. Obama intends to convince you that the police and military are the only ones that should have guns, that the government is your friend and will protect you. He uses the money hungry media to push his propaganda.

An awful thing happened in Orlando. A radical Islamic terrorist killed 49 people in a gay nightclub with a gun. The liberal mind sees this as due cause for total eradication of private gun ownership. For the educated Constitutional conservative this incident only further clarifies why we need to protect our Second Amendment rights now more than ever. Conspiracy theories say this was all orchestrated by this administration to further their attack on the Second Amendment. I won’t go there, but you’ve got to be sleep walking not to connect a few dots.

The Democrat machine continues to attack our right to bear arms and will continue to do so through the appointment of liberal federal judges. We know guns aren’t the problem. Just compare the 1.1 million babies per year slaughtered through abortion to the 11,200 per year homicidal gun deaths. Now try to convince me progressive Democrats efforts to quell our gun rights has anything to do with the sanctity of human life. They use fear as a propaganda tool to control the “sheeple”. The Second Amendment was ratified to protect us from a rogue government. Stay informed, protect your Constitutional rights and your family. Remember, you have an innate right to protect yourself and don’t need permission from a bloviated self-serving government to do so.

The opinions of the guest columnist are not necessarily those of The Free Press.

John Nix is the co-founder and partner at Matrix East, PLLC. He’s also the president of the CSS Neuse Foundation and the lead plaintiff in the Nix, et al v. Eric Holder case, for the reversal of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.

Perspective On The “Big Business” Boycotts

north-carolinaLet’s begin by putting a few things in perspective regarding business in North Carolina.  The State of North Carolina currently employs 133,865.  This number does not include county and municipal employees totaling an estimated 237,000.  In the third quarter of 2015 North Carolina Small Businesses employed 1.6 million people, or 46.0% of the private workforce.  That’s 97.9% of all employers in the State of North Carolina.

In July, 2015 the estimated population in North Carolina was 10,042,802 (US Census Bureau). Of that number it is estimated that about 62.1% worked full or part-time while the remainder do not work for a variety of reasons. They are either retired, unemployed looking for a job, medically disabled, or not looking for work but collecting welfare and other subsidies.

Using census data, we can deduce that the workforce in North Carolina is comprised of roughly 6,236,500 workers. Here’s the breakdown:

  •  3,500,000 private sector jobs
  •  371,000 state and local government jobs
  •  56,980 federal jobs 
  •  2,308,500 large corporations job/other categories

small business

Well over half of the jobs in North Carolina are provided through small businesses.  With the passage of House Bill 2 (HB2) a few weeks ago which, in part, regulates bathroom usage to that bathroom matching one’s birth certificate, there have be a host of corporations that have taken a reactionary stance against this Bill, along with some entertainers.  In a recent article entitled “Are We Ruled By Radicals… Progressive Mud Slinging Gets Bawdy” we pointed out the political gain attributed to this whole debacle.

trans blog 1

President Obama has even chimed in from London assuring the good people it’s safe to travel to North Carolina….and then stated, “I also think the laws that have been passed there are wrong and should be overturned…”.  

Josh Ellis from Governor Pat McCrory’s office issued a statement in reply,

Governor McCrory agrees with President Obama that all people are welcome to our state and everybody will be treated well with extraordinary hospitality. However, the governor respectfully disagrees with the political left’s national agenda to mandate changes to basic, common-sense restroom norms.”

Over half the jobs in North Carolina can be attributed to the private sector.  The quality of people that create business and jobs for North Carolinians, by and large, don’t have a lot of tolerance for nonsense like corporate boycotts and performing artists pulling their shows. One of the best, Jimmy Buffett performed last night in Raleigh.

And we really don’t care what Springsteen thinks about a “transgender woman” using the urinal. He needs to retire anyway. He can hang out with anyone he chooses to…. on his own dime.

Liberal progressive corporations are free to locate wherever they feel comfortable. Some of them refuse to have their names published. However, the will be publishing a list in our next edition. That information will provide the latitude so you may decide whether or not you wish to patronize a business that uses Alinsky tactics to “control the peasants”.

More importantly we should scrutinize over supporting any business that thinks it’s okay to compromise the safety of our children so they can sell one more cup of coffee or a chicken nugget.

Just like the transgender population, we in North Carolina won’t allow 0.03% or a small minority, to control the moral majority. Threatening us won’t work and it never will. With the ingenuity North Carolinians possess we’ll just fill the void when these Corporations head off to Rhode Island or some other liberal haven.  After all our State motto is Esse quam videri, Latin for “To be, rather than to seem”.  Rather appropriate!…. The Daily News Fix says Good Riddance!





Are We Ruled By Radicals?… Progressive Mud Slinging Gets Bawdy

True Conservative Republicans adhere to the party platform and believe in principles like:

  • Limited government
  • Fiscal responsibility/Accountability
  • Lower taxes
  • Individual liberty
  • Free enterprise
  • Religious freedom

So when liberal Charlotte City Council members passe an ordinance allowing the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community to use the bathroom of their choice North Carolinians with common sense and decency got a little upset. And rightly so… what mom or dad wants some guy using the locker room with their teenage daughter? Using the LGBT reasoning/excuse is only a political ploy… a destructive TOOL because that’s their modus operandi.


“The ‘LGBT excuse’ is simply a pry bar to open Pandora’s box.”

The NC General Assembly agreed and was called back in session to examine what Charlotte had done and passed House Bill 2.  Since then all the liberal media and rabid activists have been on the attack putting North Carolina in their cross-hairs. Much pressure has been put on the legislature and Governor Pat McCrory to reverse the law. The liberal progressive left is using as a campaign tool against Governor McCrory.  The liberal way is to ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK! no matter the excuse.  Their vitriolic behavior is sickening!… possibly a result of bad parenting or the lack of it. racist

The LGBT community makes up only a small fraction of a percentage of the general population in North Carolina.  Charlotte City Council passed a local law/ordinance that allowed this minute percentage of individuals to control bathroom practices for the overwhelming majority. We’re not sure how the LGBT community has gotten by all these years without walking into the wrong bathroom and causing problems, but the NC Legislature made it clear bathroom and locker room gender blender behavior won’t happen in Charlotte or any NC town without a trip to jail. Hats off to them!

NC Attorney General Roy Cooper is sitting on the sidelines letting these mindless drones do his work.  Roy Cooper has refused to do his job defending North Carolina against frivolous lawsuits.  He has refused to defend North Carolina and our legislative stances against Same-sex marriage, Illegal Immigration, Syrian Refugees, gun bans and violation of our 2nd Amendment rights, Voter ID law, and NOW THIS!  North Carolinians have shelled out millions in tax dollars to hire outside legal council to do Roy’s JOB.  

Screen-Shot-2016-04-05-at-8.46.01-AM-200x200Now he wants to be your Governor? 

North Carolina values ARE NOT synonymous with Roy Cooper’s values or his followers.  He and his buddies are simply using that 0.03% of the population to draw attention away from the positive things our Republican led legislature has accomplished. They play dirty and hit hard. It’s all straight out of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” playbook…. you know, the rules Hillary and her cronies play by….

“Rule 12 –  Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

rules for radicals

Our message is clear. They can’t hurt you…. they can only throw mud at you. Progressives are of the entitlement mentality, hate individual liberty, capitalism and anything remotely resembling WORK. They focus on “What can I get for free? The government and all those rich folks OWE me! My sexuality and free health care is more important than your religious expression. ” You and I owe nothing to anyone.

The majority of us worked for what we have. The government will continue to tax, spend, regulate and give our earnings away via miserable bureaucrats and “occupiers” like the Charlotte City Council and AG Roy Cooper… as long as WE allow it. Enough already! Time to put your foot down. We won’t let this cancer continue to erode our communities, state and nation.  Stand against this immorality and fascist rule.  Fight for your children’s future!

30 Pieces Of Silver

We are republishing last week’s February 28th, 2016 column originally published in the Kinston Free Press which highlights the difference between the Democrat Party Platform and the Republican Party Platform.  Both publish their Platforms online so it should be no secret but many do not know where their party stands on the issues. It’s intent was a gut check…. what do you stand for?
 fighting mascots
It is my belief that we should should associate ourselves with and register with the political party that most closely resembles our core values. I am Pro-life, believe in limited government, capitalism, lower taxes, preservation of the 1st and 2nd amendment, and the right for every American to work hard and keep what they earn. More government means less liberty. I am a Republican. I associate with every word in the Republican Platform.
Truth Twain
You may call yourself a “moderate thinking” Democrat but if you support the Democrat Party and vote Democrat you support that Platform.
It doesn’t matter what you call yourself.  Just align yourself with the Party that most closely resembles your values. 
By John Nix / Columnist
Posted Feb. 28, 2016 at 12:01 AM

Lenoir County is fairly conservative even though seventy-six percent of the population align themselves with the liberal Democratic party. You have heard the false narrative, “There’s not much difference between the Democrats and Republicans.” There may be politicians on both sides of the fence that will sell themselves for “thirty pieces of silver.” However, there are many more elected officials ethically bound to do the “will of the people.” Party platforms of Democrats and Republicans contrast sharply.

On abortion, Democrats believe a woman should have the “right to choose” and have taxpayer-funded abortions on demand. Republicans believe the unborn are human beings with rights and oppose partial birth and taxpayer-funded abortions as Planned Parenthood provides. Over one million children are slaughtered through abortion each year in the United States.

On gun control, Democrats do not honor the Second Amendment but believe more regulation is needed to “control” gun sales. Republicans understand the Second Amendment is designed to protect our First Amendment rights to include freedom of religion, freedom of speech and of the press, to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Over-regulating weapons infringes on our God-given right to defend ourselves and our families. In the U.S., around eight thousand people per year die by gunfire, yet one million children are murdered through abortion. Gun control is not about saving lives, it is only about control as the numbers prove.

On the economy, Democrats believe government regulation is necessary to “level the playing field,” stifling growth with taxation in the process. Republicans believe in promoting free markets to produce more growth, jobs and a higher standard of living.

On welfare, Democrats believe welfare is necessary to protect the poor. Republicans believe it is more compassionate and effective to encourage self-reliance. The welfare system enslaves minorities, is highly abused and creates a generational cycle of dependency.

On education, Democrats are against parental choice and believe in increased tax funding for public education. Republicans believe parents should have the right to choose a charter school or private school education. Federal overreach with intrusive agendas like “Common Core” only rob students of their critical thinking skills while taking parents out of the equation. Our children are not property of the state.

On immigration, Democrats believe in blanket amnesty and funding for higher education of illegal aliens who came here as children. Republicans believe in legal immigration only, oppose amnesty and support increased border security. Our borders are a national security issue the current administration refuses to effectively address.

On taxes, Democrats believe in raising taxes on wealthy Americans to support a more intrusive over-regulating government. Republicans promote lower taxes, smaller government, and believe in free market capitalism. Republicans understand higher taxes and more regulations put a stranglehold on economic growth.

 On healthcare, Democrats believe government should control all aspects of healthcare while Republicans understand socialized medicine results in high costs and poor quality healthcare. It is not the role of the government to mandate how the private sector delivers medical treatment.

On global warming, Democrats theorize the earth is heating rapidly caused by the burning of fossil fuels like oil and coal. Consequently they have introduced “green energy” mandates which drive up fuel prices. Republicans understand the heating and cooling of the earth is a natural process. Regulating carbon will not help the environment and will only increase fuel costs.

On religion, Democrats believe all references of God in public and government spaces should be removed. Republicans understand our Constitution affords all Americans freedom Of religion, not freedom From religion.

On same-sex marriage, Democrats believe this should be legal. Republicans oppose same-sex marriage and believe marriage should be between one man and one woman.

These are only a few core beliefs found in each party’s platform. You should align yourself with those core beliefs which most closely reflect your political beliefs. One-party rule has hurt Lenoir County for the last century and a half. Are you surprised you have been honoring a political party that goes against your religious, moral or ethical convictions? Consider supporting a more balanced political landscape by registering and voting Republican.

John Nix is the co-founder and partner at Matrix East, PLLC. He’s also the president of the CSS Neuse Foundation and the lead plaintiff in the Nix, et al v. Eric Holder case, for the reversal of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. The opinions of the guest columnist are not necessarily those of The Free Press.