Monthly Archives: September 2016

They Are Coming For Your Ballot!

After cyber attacks on a few state election board websites the Obama administration may be forcing it’s hand in a big way. This is quite dangerous for all Americans and not to be taken lightly. The federal government has no jurisdiction over election proceedings. This duty is left to our sovereign states. But what do you know, right? The Obama regime has issued the following statement:

“We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the power grid,”… “There’s a vital national interest in our election process, so I do think we need to consider whether it should be considered by my department and others critical infrastructure,” said Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson

hack the vote

The key words here are “critical infrastucture”…. they are trying to make the case that the states can’t pull off just one more election without help from the federal government. So Obama, the caped crusader, and his Democratic regime are rushing in to “save” the nation from “those bad old hackers” in the name of Cyber security.  This comes two months before the most crucial and defining general election in the history of our nation.

Opinion? For DHS to come in and say “this is what we’re going to do” could be seen as police state activity.

In fact it, the general perception is the Obama regime will do anything to help Hillary win in November…. even forcing control over and rigging this election!

The only legal way the feds could step in and take over election process would be at a state’s request or Congress pass a law. But since there is no time for that and this rogue administration does not respect the law any more than they do you or me, expect another forthcoming “executive order”.

bitch hillary 1

We’ve watched an unqualified vindictive POTUS drive this country into the ground over the last 8 years. If you’ve had enough of the incompetence, his globalist approach to immigration and refugee resettlement, his unwillingness to call out radical Islamic, his repetitive lies…… well you ain’t seen nothing yet. Let Hillary Clinton win this election and we are DONE for as a sovereign nation. Your 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights will be taken. She has already made that promise. This is going to be a real gun fight, friends.