Monthly Archives: December 2016

Your Work Is Not Done

We had a benchmark historic election in North Carolina and nationally on November 8, 2016. Many are disappointed Governor Pat McCrory was not re-elected. There are questions looming as to why and further analysis by others will follow. The answer is multifaceted. We’ll do that in another piece.

Voter fraud was exposed, as never before. Will those caught red-handed be prosecuted and will the media cover it?

These felonious crimes need to be exposed but have a tendency to get buried. The last minute federal court reversal of the “Voter ID” bill opened the door for Democrats to promote mass confusion and chaos at polling sites with the same day registration provision. Ethics aside, these Alinsky tactics worked but not well enough this time!

Donald John Trump is our President elect and he is sure to stir things up inside the D.C. belt-line and across the nation.

For the naysayers, those that say his provocative manner and big ideas won’t work, allow me to remind you from whence he came.

He doesn’t beat around the bush and he listens to trusted sources that do what they do best. I look forward to the next four years. What a blessing and comfort it is to have real hope for our children and grandchildren and know they actually have chance to prosper. This was a battle worth fighting! On top of that, we have a Republican Congress to back the President moving forward.

Hold them accountable. It is your job and mine! Remember, this is a Republic, not a Democracy!

Eleven (11) of fifteen (15) NC State Court of Appeals judges are Republican. For the first time since Reconstruction we have a Republican Commissioner of Insurance, Mike Causey, at the helm in North Carolina and a new Republican face, Mark Johnson, leading as Superintendent of Public Instruction. Dale Folwell will serve as Treasurer. Dan Forest will serve his second term as Lt. Governor and will run for Governor in 2020.

But as soon as the dust settled on November 8th, a three judge panel decided it was best for us to have a special election under newly drawn House and Senate lines. They know what is best for you and me, right? Opening the door for more gerrymandering? Maybe? So we’ll have a bigger ballot in 2017 with freshly drawn lines, unless the appeal to the Supreme Court is heard, and won. Don’t you love these last minute Alinsky tactics? Don’t you love the fact that these appointees control your fate, only because they can?

crybabyThere is no time to rest, my Right-minded friends. While we have been celebrating, the progressive left is sharpening their spears and strapping on their armor. You might think I’m being melodramatic, but they are not happy campers and the nastiness will continue.


Our conservative ethics and morals, our Christian belief system, and our world view don’t lend themselves to surprise attacks and prostituting ourselves for a few pieces of silver. We believe in and promote lower taxes, smaller government, personal liberty (less government invention), just to name a few.

The Democratic party has become full blown socialist in their ideals. Just take a look at their platform. I was ridiculed by a long time Democrat leader in a reply by “letter to the editor” earlier this year for an editorial comparing the Republican and Democratic platforms. Righteous Democrat(s) attempting to defend their party just don’t have a leg to stand on. Their “party” has gotten away from them. For instance, how does one claim to be a Christian yet still support a party platform that promotes full term abortion? They say, “I’m a registered Democrat because my Daddy was, and his Daddy was….” Blah, blah blah. My questions to them would be, “Do you agree with full term abortion and a bloated oppressive government? How about open borders? Do you like the idea that roughly half of the population benefits from tax subsidies that you work to provide to them?” READ HERE

No time to rest. This is a time for preparation for the next battle against progressive liberals lying in wait. Seriously, do you think because Republicans won, these folks just accepted it? Nope. You’ll see more soon, like hoodlum NC NAACP President Rev. Wm. Barber marching on the North Carolina General Assembly and getting arrested all for self promotion and free publicity.hoodlum-barber

The Democrat party is the Party of Oppression, plain and simple. Keeping more people on subsidies like food stamps and welfare benefits their leadership. Government is their provider. Low income single mothers will tell you they are leveraged. It’s better financially to stay home and take care of the children. Why would they work and receive less. That is the fault of government and it’s leadership stemming from New Deal era politics and magnified by Johnson administration. george-sorosIt’s a Ponzi scheme low-life leeches like Barber thrive on. His funding sources, George Soros for one, are eaten up with vindictiveness after their loss. They’ll continue to pay Barber to stir the kettle and Barber will continue to line his own pockets with questionable special interest money.

The Democrats work to enslave as many as they can… slaves to the government and tax subsidies while Republican values are just the opposite. Democrats have “Progressively” put more bread on the table of those who will “play along”. Government has become their God. Government continues to take more and more from the honest, hard-working middle class base that wouldn’t think of taking what they didn’t work for. Despicable, but they must feed the machine that feeds them.

Welfare, food stamps and other subsidies are designed as a “hand up, not a hand out”. We have allowed this ethical shift over time. “It’s 100 miles into the woods and 100 miles out”, as they say. Let’s get to walking!