Monthly Archives: May 2016

The Business End Of The Sausage Machine

NC House Bill 2 (HB2) has made a media splash when the North Carolina Legislature countered government overreach dictated by Charlotte’s City Council… their “use whichever bathroom you ID with…” ordinance.  The ordinance was a gross violation of the morals and ethics of the people of North Carolina in so many ways there have been reverberations felt all over the country… and the bathroom floor is still shaking!transgenderthumb

Fascist Government Mandates seem to be quite the trend these days, a tone set by the POTUS, Obama. At first larger corporations were coming out of the woodwork in support of transgenders and their rights. Musicians (if you can call some of them musicians) boycotted North Carolina. However, once a clear message had been sent by the NC Legislature, a representative voice of the people of North Carolina, that these corporations threatening to boycott our State could simply take their business elsewhere, Obama and the Feds launched a separate assault threatening to take away North Carolina education dollars. The general public doesn’t know, but the Feds only contribute about 15% – 20% to our education funding….. only with strings attached, like dangling a carrot in front of a donkey. One example?…. Common Core standards/mandates/decrees.

We don’t take the funding and we aren’t beholden to the Feds or their silly games.  

The liberal progressives will try other forms of blackmail of course. North Carolina launched a lawsuit a week ago against these federal bullies just hours before the Feds launched their own against North Carolina and our Governor.  media-bias-obama

But…ALL of this is just a smoke screen, a diversion in a critical election year.  Those acquiring their “news” from progressive mainstream media to include CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, the NY Times, Charlotte Observer, Winston-Salem Journal, or the News and Observer (just to name a few) are getting the story spun to fit an agenda set by donor dollars. Yes, even FOX has a conservative image to uphold.  These media outlets care about one thing, selling a story…. and we need to remember that.


Most often what comes out of the business end of the sausage machine is a propagandized tie-died remnant of the truth.

Remember, these news outlets depend on advertising dollars to survive and can’t afford to tick off the wrong people…. their existence depends on it. They are bought and sold!

Because of the fissure created when the HB2 firecracker went off, Obama is doing what Obamas do best, issuing more decrees, creating division, and inciting riot …. this time he wants ALL publicly funded schools across the country to comply with his gender neutral bathroom decree.

His ammo? He will unilaterally withhold federal education dollars, the only illegal leverage he has. It’s our belief the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) should be defunded and shut down, the authority and responsibility given back to the States to educate our children.  

Remember this…. North Carolina is a pivotal state in 2016 with the Number 1 Governor’s race and Number 1 Senate race in the country. We are 6th in the nation in delegate count with 72!  We are a threat to Obama’s agenda, Roy Cooper’s agenda, Rev. Wm. Barber’s agenda, and to Hillary’s agenda. The mortar attacks we are experiencing now are only the beginning of what is to come. We should take it very personally!

When Donald Trump is elected as next President of the United States of America he will address the unconstitutional decrees and mandates by simply reversing them.  But until then, until we have a real leader to stand up for the working class, the people that drive this country’s economy, the monkey business will continue. Until we have a real leader to stand up to the corruption in Congress and most importantly the bureaucrats that are holding us all hostage, the monkey business will continue. marsupialsWe need a new zookeeper ….yesterday!

This Election Is NOT About You and Me

Donald-Trump-Strong-200x200As of last night billionaire business magnate Donald Trump is the Presumptive Nominee for President of these united States of America. Social media has gone wild with opinions spanning the spectrum in complete support of Trump to those that threaten to take their toys and go home since their candidate didn’t win, #NeverTrump. Cruz and Trump are very different animals, yet both know how to play the game. Despite what either would have you believe they are both politicians, though Trump has never held public office.

So what price will we pay as a nation if idealist millennials and the religious right allow their emotions to overtake common sense by staying home on election day? Romney lost in 2012 because “Christians” stayed home. Well, Clinton will win.

If social conservatives exhibit obstinance in November our nation will go the way of Communist rule with wealth redistribution, land grabs, socialized medicine and the like. You WILL WAIT for medical procedures just like the next guy no matter your contribution to ‘The System’. America will move even closer to a one world government. UN soldiers and workers along with Dept. of Homeland Security goons will infiltrate every aspect of your life. That’s already underway. Big government is poised for a resistance because bureaucrats run this country, not the President or Congress.

Hillary Is HereThis is what Hillary has been working toward her whole life and the climate is ripe. She studied under Saul Alinsky, a communist community organizer. She is ready to take the throne and force her ideals on the American people, like it or not.

It is our hope that Donald Trump will lay out more specific plans to “make America great again”.  We know he has financial sensibility, is willing to take on the immigration problem and secure our border, will take on ISIS and other international threats directly. Even so, some idealist holdouts will stay home on election day.  We have a chance to put a Republican in the White House again. You may not agree with all his tactics. You may not like his temperament or the way he wears his hair. He may be too far right or left on issues you take to heart. But he WILL BE the Republican nominee come July. It’s time to lay trivialities aside and support our nominee.

This election is not about you and me.  It is about future generations of Americans. You have a choice in November….. Embrace Capitalism or Embrace Communism. It’s that simple. Staying home or not voting for the Republican candidate supports the latter. Choose wisely and unselfishly.