Monthly Archives: October 2017

The Left Is Gambling With Your Rights

We have been watching the left’s reaction to the tragic Las Vegas shootings on Sunday, October 1st where 59 lives have now been lost and more than 500 are injured. We are horrified that some mentally ill person or some group of Sickos orchestrated this mass killing. President Trump seeks the logical route while Democratic Congressional House Members have already used this situation to increase their face time on network news outlets.

Within hours of the incident, Hillary Clinton seized the opportunity to politicize this tragedy targeting the NRA. Then it was Minority House leader Nancy Pelosi taking advantage of the situation. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. The bodies were still warm….. literally.

Democrats tend to prey on the emotions of their constituents and the Main Stream Media likes that tactic, as well. Logically, we know a gun is an inanimate object, just like a butcher knife, a static vehicle, or a gallon of gasoline. Any of those could be weaponized by someone with bad intent. But the weapon gets the blame because emotions get in the way of logical common sense and that is the narrative we are fed over and over and over again.

Trained marksmen run toward the sound of gunfire. Others run from it. An armed citizen has protection from the “pure evil” we have seen time and time again. Without a way to protect ourselves and our families, we are sitting ducks. We refuse to rely on law enforcement for everything.

I’ve written a lot about the 2nd Amendment and provided examples illustrating why gun control is unnecessary because it doesn’t work. In fact, there is direct correlation between increased gun ownership and a decrease in gun homicide. Democrats can read these stats just as well as you and I can. So what’s the disconnect? Politics. Liberal Democrats would like to see the US Constitution abolished.

Today, there is a knee-jerk reaction to ban and outlaw “bump stocks”. “Bump stocks” were found on at least one of the weapons at the Mandalay Bay. “Bump stocks” aid in rapid firing of certain weapons like an AR-15. See below.

This massacre is still being investigated. There is much discussion by military professionals and law enforcement (an undercurrent) that this was not a one man job. In fact this slaughter was most likely orchestrated and most likely used as a political means to an end. BLM and Antifa claimed it looks like the work of a more credible source. It’s possible, right?

“Trust, but verify” ~ Ronald Reagan

We are in for months of diversion tactics to incrementally eat away at out 2nd Amendment rights. The NRA and President Trump have stated they are open to additional regulations on “bump stocks”, but that does not change the overall debate.

“Scare tactics, lies, threats and Hollywood will be used to further steal your liberty.”

Beware! Knee jerk reactions to crimes like this don’t work. Their intent is to politicize and prey on the emotions of the ignorant for their own profit. But this kind of lowly behavior comes at a cost… Your Liberty!

My “Call To Action” is to research and read about your Constitutional rights. Start by reading the US Constitution. Know that the 2nd Amendment is in place primarily to protect you and me from a rogue government.

“Never Surrender Your Rights, Never Give Up, Never Shut Up, And Keep Getting Up!” ~ John Nix and The Daily News Fix

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