Monthly Archives: March 2016

30 Pieces Of Silver

We are republishing last week’s February 28th, 2016 column originally published in the Kinston Free Press which highlights the difference between the Democrat Party Platform and the Republican Party Platform.  Both publish their Platforms online so it should be no secret but many do not know where their party stands on the issues. It’s intent was a gut check…. what do you stand for?
 fighting mascots
It is my belief that we should should associate ourselves with and register with the political party that most closely resembles our core values. I am Pro-life, believe in limited government, capitalism, lower taxes, preservation of the 1st and 2nd amendment, and the right for every American to work hard and keep what they earn. More government means less liberty. I am a Republican. I associate with every word in the Republican Platform.
Truth Twain
You may call yourself a “moderate thinking” Democrat but if you support the Democrat Party and vote Democrat you support that Platform.
It doesn’t matter what you call yourself.  Just align yourself with the Party that most closely resembles your values. 
By John Nix / Columnist
Posted Feb. 28, 2016 at 12:01 AM

Lenoir County is fairly conservative even though seventy-six percent of the population align themselves with the liberal Democratic party. You have heard the false narrative, “There’s not much difference between the Democrats and Republicans.” There may be politicians on both sides of the fence that will sell themselves for “thirty pieces of silver.” However, there are many more elected officials ethically bound to do the “will of the people.” Party platforms of Democrats and Republicans contrast sharply.

On abortion, Democrats believe a woman should have the “right to choose” and have taxpayer-funded abortions on demand. Republicans believe the unborn are human beings with rights and oppose partial birth and taxpayer-funded abortions as Planned Parenthood provides. Over one million children are slaughtered through abortion each year in the United States.

On gun control, Democrats do not honor the Second Amendment but believe more regulation is needed to “control” gun sales. Republicans understand the Second Amendment is designed to protect our First Amendment rights to include freedom of religion, freedom of speech and of the press, to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Over-regulating weapons infringes on our God-given right to defend ourselves and our families. In the U.S., around eight thousand people per year die by gunfire, yet one million children are murdered through abortion. Gun control is not about saving lives, it is only about control as the numbers prove.

On the economy, Democrats believe government regulation is necessary to “level the playing field,” stifling growth with taxation in the process. Republicans believe in promoting free markets to produce more growth, jobs and a higher standard of living.

On welfare, Democrats believe welfare is necessary to protect the poor. Republicans believe it is more compassionate and effective to encourage self-reliance. The welfare system enslaves minorities, is highly abused and creates a generational cycle of dependency.

On education, Democrats are against parental choice and believe in increased tax funding for public education. Republicans believe parents should have the right to choose a charter school or private school education. Federal overreach with intrusive agendas like “Common Core” only rob students of their critical thinking skills while taking parents out of the equation. Our children are not property of the state.

On immigration, Democrats believe in blanket amnesty and funding for higher education of illegal aliens who came here as children. Republicans believe in legal immigration only, oppose amnesty and support increased border security. Our borders are a national security issue the current administration refuses to effectively address.

On taxes, Democrats believe in raising taxes on wealthy Americans to support a more intrusive over-regulating government. Republicans promote lower taxes, smaller government, and believe in free market capitalism. Republicans understand higher taxes and more regulations put a stranglehold on economic growth.

 On healthcare, Democrats believe government should control all aspects of healthcare while Republicans understand socialized medicine results in high costs and poor quality healthcare. It is not the role of the government to mandate how the private sector delivers medical treatment.

On global warming, Democrats theorize the earth is heating rapidly caused by the burning of fossil fuels like oil and coal. Consequently they have introduced “green energy” mandates which drive up fuel prices. Republicans understand the heating and cooling of the earth is a natural process. Regulating carbon will not help the environment and will only increase fuel costs.

On religion, Democrats believe all references of God in public and government spaces should be removed. Republicans understand our Constitution affords all Americans freedom Of religion, not freedom From religion.

On same-sex marriage, Democrats believe this should be legal. Republicans oppose same-sex marriage and believe marriage should be between one man and one woman.

These are only a few core beliefs found in each party’s platform. You should align yourself with those core beliefs which most closely reflect your political beliefs. One-party rule has hurt Lenoir County for the last century and a half. Are you surprised you have been honoring a political party that goes against your religious, moral or ethical convictions? Consider supporting a more balanced political landscape by registering and voting Republican.

John Nix is the co-founder and partner at Matrix East, PLLC. He’s also the president of the CSS Neuse Foundation and the lead plaintiff in the Nix, et al v. Eric Holder case, for the reversal of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. The opinions of the guest columnist are not necessarily those of The Free Press.