Monthly Archives: July 2018

A Nation of Laws

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” ~ John Adams

There are many who challenge the fundamentals of the Constitution of these United States of America.  If John Adams, the 2nd President of our Nation, is to be taken at his word then we must question the morality of those who challenge our foundation. Immigrants come to the US legally and illegally bringing their culture with them. Most Americans welcome different cultures to include the foods and traditions.  They come here for a better life but assimilation to our legal culture is required. They MUST honor our legal structure and laws.

And what about religion?  Adams and the other founders were religious to various degrees but all did not adhere to traditional values set forth in the church of that day.

Adams claimed that statesmen “may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand.” Read More

Whether or not morality can exist without religion can be bantered about from now until the end of time, but the moral compass of this Nation is dependent upon a civilized citizenry.  Religion certainly plays its role in that process.  The immoral use a different set of tools than those seeking moral high ground.  Divisiveness exploiting race, gender, and religion as a political tool was used by the Democrats and was the go-to tool in Barack Hussein Obama’s bag of political tricks during his tenure as POTUS.  And it was used by Hillary Clinton in her campaign for President and is being used currently by the left, to include Clinton and Obama. They still can’t believe she lost.

The left looks for a fissure in the rock. They look to divide us as a people by any means necessary.  They create division where there is none.  They also make promises they can not keep.  And the ignorant buy their goods.

“We are a nation of laws, not of men.” ~John Adams

We need borders.  We need to enforce our laws.  We need strong conservative leadership.  We need parents to do the parenting, not public schools.  We need Morality and we need God.

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John Nix

Conservative grassroots advocate for smaller government, lower taxes, transparency at all levels of government, and individual liberty.