Tag Archives: Grassroots

A Nation of Laws

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” ~ John Adams

There are many who challenge the fundamentals of the Constitution of these United States of America.  If John Adams, the 2nd President of our Nation, is to be taken at his word then we must question the morality of those who challenge our foundation. Immigrants come to the US legally and illegally bringing their culture with them. Most Americans welcome different cultures to include the foods and traditions.  They come here for a better life but assimilation to our legal culture is required. They MUST honor our legal structure and laws.

And what about religion?  Adams and the other founders were religious to various degrees but all did not adhere to traditional values set forth in the church of that day.

Adams claimed that statesmen “may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand.” Read More

Whether or not morality can exist without religion can be bantered about from now until the end of time, but the moral compass of this Nation is dependent upon a civilized citizenry.  Religion certainly plays its role in that process.  The immoral use a different set of tools than those seeking moral high ground.  Divisiveness exploiting race, gender, and religion as a political tool was used by the Democrats and was the go-to tool in Barack Hussein Obama’s bag of political tricks during his tenure as POTUS.  And it was used by Hillary Clinton in her campaign for President and is being used currently by the left, to include Clinton and Obama. They still can’t believe she lost.

The left looks for a fissure in the rock. They look to divide us as a people by any means necessary.  They create division where there is none.  They also make promises they can not keep.  And the ignorant buy their goods.

“We are a nation of laws, not of men.” ~John Adams

We need borders.  We need to enforce our laws.  We need strong conservative leadership.  We need parents to do the parenting, not public schools.  We need Morality and we need God.

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John Nix

Conservative grassroots advocate for smaller government, lower taxes, transparency at all levels of government, and individual liberty.


Questions Liberal Progressive Democrats Won’t Answer

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This author spells it out. The US Constitution makes no allowance for the bill of goods progressive liberals and the Main Stream Media are trying to sell us. The following are questions liberal progressive democrats peddling the Gun Control narrative will refuse to answer.

1. I want those pushing for Gun Control to tell me my life, or the lives of those I love, are not as important as someone they believe should be allowed to own or carry weapons. 
2. I want to know why those same people, who also push for equality, don’t believe we all have an equal right to self defense.
3. I also want to know from those who are pushing Gun Control, if they still believe designated gun free zones are safe from those who don’t obey the law and how they plan to stop an active shooter if law enforcement is not near to defend those in the gun free zone.
4. Lastly, I want those who are pushing for Gun Control to tell those of us who own and carry weapons, they do not want us to defend them if the need arises.


“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”


Michele Nix is in her second term as NCGOP Vice-Chairman and believes in upholding the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution as written.

Don’t Be A Fish

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Small Tank Perspective

Fish living in a small bowl have limited and narrow perspective. Give them a larger tank and their view widens. However, they are still trapped inside glass walls and dependent on an outside source to feed them, clean their tank, and keep them alive. They are fish.
Many human United States citizens have a limited perspective, just like fish. Even though they have a choice to move from a small tank to a larger tank they choose to confine themselves to the propagandized narrow view controlled by the Main Stream Media. MSM pushes false narratives to satisfy those who fund them.
Americans have a choice in the type of food they would like to consume, and how often their tank gets cleaned (even in the small tank environment). They have the ability and free will to choose the size of their tank. They can also choose to live with no restraints, no tank at all. The USA is one of the few places on earth where humans can freely make those choices without permission from a higher authority.

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Free Will – Only in America

Most Liberals have a small tank “gold fish perspective” in the current and ongoing debate over our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. All of them may not live in a small glass jar but would rather government provide ALL things. They bow to government because government is their God.

“As Americans, we can choose to climb out of our tank, kick it aside, and exercise the freedoms God gave us.”

The Constitution of the United States of America is our founding document. It was God inspired, written to protect future generations against a rogue and oppressive government, and allows us free will. That’s the best deal going on the planet. So why would anyone not want freedom? We have a communist movement right now in this country. Among other things, they seek to undermine or remove our inalienable right to protect ourselves and our families?
We live in the greatest country on earth, the “land of the free, the home of the brave”. We can’t afford to take this gift of freedom for granted lest the things we enjoy everyday like traveling unchecked, owning land, raising our children as we see fit and protecting them from harm be taken away. The 2nd Amendment is at the heart of it all and that’s exactly why they want to stifle it.

“We the people ARE the militia assigned to secure a free state. Our right to bear arms is not a choice the government or anyone else can take from us. Our right to protect ourselves and our families from eminent danger or harm by any means is a right given to us by God, not by man or by government.”

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Do not be frightened to engage in debate with the ignorant and those brainwashed by the Main Stream Media narrative which is controlled by One World Order proponents. These “great liberal minds” are only fish living in a small bowl dependent on government to tell them how they should think. These are the same geniuses that believe putting a “No Weapons Allowed” or “Gun Free Zone” sign at a school or place of business will keep them safe.

“Train and arm willing school personnel. Train them to be the militia.”

Why put your kids or family member in a situation where they can not fend for themselves? It is not up to law enforcement to protect us all the time. They can’t and they won’t. Who among us wants a police state?

Protect your families at any cost. Don’t wait for someone else to do it.
The 2nd Amendment protects the 1st Amendment. Once our Constitutional rights are gone, we will all be Government Fish living in a small glass bowl.
Don’t be a fish.

Public Private Partnership Fails… Deal Could Chain Residents to Long Term Debt

A funny thing happened on the way to the gym a few months ago. Yep, I arrived and it was closed. All the equipment was gone! Empty! The note said my membership would transfer laterally to another local gym. The owners were going out of business.

Flashback 7 years ago when the City of Kinston and County of Lenoir entered into a public/private contractual agreement with Woodmen of the World to build office facilities, a state of the art gymnasium and a water park! An $8 million project. Taxpayers dollars were put on the table quickly to the tune of $1 million. Half from the City and half from the County and the Woodmen Community Center was constructed. There are other recurring expenses such as maintaining insurance, but the contract called for $1 million. The center/water park did remarkably well for the first year but has been losing money ever since. Image result for public private partnership

The Woodmen Community Center has already become a Fiscal Albatross to the Woodmen of the World organization and to the City/County. So let’s look at where our liberal elected leaders and non-elected bureaucrats have led us. 

First infraction – Government should NEVER compete with the private sector!  Public/private partnerships are enticing but rarely work without infringing upon personal rights. Our leadership entered into an agreement, as such January 30, 2011, with YOUR money READ HERE.

The Woodmen Center was a losing proposition from the beginning. Using tax dollars to put gyms out of business or damage them financially is a cardinal sin. But the public bought the “snake oil” hook, line, and sinker. Did the residents have a choice in the matter? I think not as the vote was shoved through with very little public disclosure.

The promise of affordable memberships and the water park bringing business was a sales gimmick.  Prior to building of the Center, I questioned a, now retired, department head as to how it is that the population he intended to serve couldn’t afford a membership and most likely wouldn’t be able to get there. He said they would have scholarships and the River Walk would be built making it easier for travel by bike or walking. I asked where the scholarships would come from and why he thought he could depend on a trail that wasn’t even funded as a travel route from east Kinston. He could not answer the question.

Now there is also a lawsuit pending against the Woodmen after a near drowning. Losing money hand over fist and facing a lawsuit of this magnitude, no wonder they want to “Gift” the facility to local government (Click HERE). Will our elected leaders make the same mistake again and fall for the Bling? From reading some news quotes, sounds as if our freshman Mayor and some others in leadership are leaning that way. It’s not YOUR money to lose, Mayor! This is a terrible deal for the City and County. Do the right thing!Image result for BAD CONTRACT

As we say in my profession ~ “You start out wrong and keep going wrong and you wind up wrong!” 

Kinston City Council and Lenoir County Commissioners must hold Woodmen to this contract.The Woodmen Organization can bear the financial burden in fulfilling their obligations. If it takes a lawsuit to persuade them to do the right thing, then so be it.

The taxpayers CAN NOT support this Center without more hidden fees and/or increased taxes. Kinston and Lenoir County have one of the highest combined tax rates in the state of North Carolina. Ironically, we are one of the poorest counties in the State. Those residents already bearing the brunt of the fiscal responsibility in this County are done with inadequate leadership. We will NOT further subsidize incompetence. Tell them to do the right thing!


Read the original agreement by clicking HERE

  1. Contact your City Council Members and County Commissioners and tell them NOT to take the “GIFT” from the Woodmen of the World organization. Tell them to stick to the original agreement no matter what. We don’t want the inevitable debt!
  2. Links for contacting City Council Members are HERE
  3. Links for contacting County Commissioners are HERE

You can stay abreast of developments by visiting the Woodmen Infomation for Kinston-Lenoir Citizens Facebook Page by clicking HERE.

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Wait For The Kill Shot

I am writing this piece while listening to testimony from US Attorney General Jeff Sessions before a Congressional panel comprised primarily of liberal Democrats with venomous preconceived notions and a dishonorable planned outcome.

The itinerary, it seems, is to establish or expose fodder to feed a false media narrative thereby discrediting him and this administration. Anything to further obstruct the Trump agenda is their goal. Of course, Mr. Sessions is doing his job quite well, no matter the political narrative and jockeying you might hear on the MSM or read in the papers.

Enter Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Oh my! What a disrespectful nasty woman she is. Jackson tried to bring racial divisiveness into her questioning but was abruptly blocked by AG Sessions since her questions didn’t make a damned bit of sense. She and the others did their best to entrap the AG but she’s just not that smart and neither are they.

They went from topic to topic in an attempt to assault his integrity and/or push for a pledge of his allegiance to review their own special interests perhaps to throw him off balance. Russian espionage, legalization of marijuana, pedophilia, FBI Director Comey, the Clintons, and so on. All over the map. Of course, none of this tripe is good for moving America forward. They are obstructionists in every sense of the word. It was a real dog and pony show.

I say give the man a chance. There is good reason why certain information has not been revealed and a reason why the Clinton Uranium deal has not been investigated. Are you tired of corruption? Me too. I believe POTUS Trump will allow AG Jeff Sessions to do his job. He is the best at what he does. Timing is everything.

“Mr. Sessions knows something every good hunter knows. If you want to take down your game, you wait for the kill shot. Wounding the animal puts no meat in the cooler.”

I’m a pretty good judge of character. Having had the privilege of breaking bread with AG Sessions and discussing issues of the day face to face I can think of no one with a higher moral setting and integrity. He will do the right thing or he won’t do it at all.

The Left Is Gambling With Your Rights

We have been watching the left’s reaction to the tragic Las Vegas shootings on Sunday, October 1st where 59 lives have now been lost and more than 500 are injured. We are horrified that some mentally ill person or some group of Sickos orchestrated this mass killing. President Trump seeks the logical route while Democratic Congressional House Members have already used this situation to increase their face time on network news outlets.

Within hours of the incident, Hillary Clinton seized the opportunity to politicize this tragedy targeting the NRA. Then it was Minority House leader Nancy Pelosi taking advantage of the situation. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. The bodies were still warm….. literally.

Democrats tend to prey on the emotions of their constituents and the Main Stream Media likes that tactic, as well. Logically, we know a gun is an inanimate object, just like a butcher knife, a static vehicle, or a gallon of gasoline. Any of those could be weaponized by someone with bad intent. But the weapon gets the blame because emotions get in the way of logical common sense and that is the narrative we are fed over and over and over again.

Trained marksmen run toward the sound of gunfire. Others run from it. An armed citizen has protection from the “pure evil” we have seen time and time again. Without a way to protect ourselves and our families, we are sitting ducks. We refuse to rely on law enforcement for everything.

I’ve written a lot about the 2nd Amendment and provided examples illustrating why gun control is unnecessary because it doesn’t work. In fact, there is direct correlation between increased gun ownership and a decrease in gun homicide. Democrats can read these stats just as well as you and I can. So what’s the disconnect? Politics. Liberal Democrats would like to see the US Constitution abolished.

Today, there is a knee-jerk reaction to ban and outlaw “bump stocks”. “Bump stocks” were found on at least one of the weapons at the Mandalay Bay. “Bump stocks” aid in rapid firing of certain weapons like an AR-15. See below.

This massacre is still being investigated. There is much discussion by military professionals and law enforcement (an undercurrent) that this was not a one man job. In fact this slaughter was most likely orchestrated and most likely used as a political means to an end. BLM and Antifa claimed it looks like the work of a more credible source. It’s possible, right?

“Trust, but verify” ~ Ronald Reagan

We are in for months of diversion tactics to incrementally eat away at out 2nd Amendment rights. The NRA and President Trump have stated they are open to additional regulations on “bump stocks”, but that does not change the overall debate.

“Scare tactics, lies, threats and Hollywood will be used to further steal your liberty.”

Beware! Knee jerk reactions to crimes like this don’t work. Their intent is to politicize and prey on the emotions of the ignorant for their own profit. But this kind of lowly behavior comes at a cost… Your Liberty!

My “Call To Action” is to research and read about your Constitutional rights. Start by reading the US Constitution. Know that the 2nd Amendment is in place primarily to protect you and me from a rogue government.


“Never Surrender Your Rights, Never Give Up, Never Shut Up, And Keep Getting Up!” ~ John Nix and The Daily News Fix

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To Win ~ Get Them On The Battlefield!

President Trump is my President. I proclaim that proudly and loudly and if you live in these United States of America he is also your President. But the mainstream media (MSM) doesn’t like your President and neither do some big political figures (mostly of the Democratic variety) and are threatened by President Trump’s very existence, much less the fact he is their President too!

Nothing about President Trump is conventional! He is a genius business magnate unafraid of obstacles. He has a reputation for getting the job done.

The left’s modus operandi is the same old trickery they’ve always used…… create chaos and confusion where there is none diverting attention away from the important matters and swaying popular opinion. It is also designed to keep our President from achieving his agenda.

Donald J. Trump was elected in a decisive victory by electoral college votes. My wife and I were at the Republican National Convention, where she was a Delegate pledged to Trump from day one. We also attended the Inauguration January 20th and other functions. There were many protesters, some paid. They couldn’t win the election fair and square so they are on the prowl, vicious and vindictive!  

I keep having visions of flesh eating zombies, the way these people behave!

These liberal progressive Democrats will do anything it takes to bring President Trump down. Because he is a populist, some first time voters expected immediate results when he took office. You know, just repeal Obamacare by mandate, shut down the EPA, the IRS, destroy ISIS in one week, kick all the Democrats out of Washington…. Drain The Swamp! Nothing happens RIGHT NOW! But it will happen.

If you listen to the wanna be pundits they’ll try to convince you President Trump needs to stop egging on  the liberals with midnight tweets and rogue statements. I disagree!

In order to defeat the enemy you must first identify the enemy. Once identified you lure them onto the battlefield for the kill. Trump is exposing his enemies so he can eliminate the obstacles to achieving his campaign promises. He’s just a whole lot smarter than these liberal nut jobs and they really hate that.

So it is our job as conservatives, assuming you are one, to counter the media hype and that of lying politicians. They all have motives mostly centered around power and money. 

Because, guess what, they are all getting paid to lie! Donald Trump threatens their livelihood and their lifestyle! Status quo is their goal, whereas Donald Trump’s is the opposite.  Trump wants to strengthen the economy and get Americans back to work. 

The shameful display that Rep. Al Green (D) LINKED put up in in the House chambers yesterday demanding the impeachment of our President  is only a diversionary tactic! Another one, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D), aka “Fauxcahontas” wouldn’t know the truth if it came up an shook her hand! She’s been smoking the peace pipe too long and she’s being paid by special interest groups to push their agenda. They are the enemy!

Fire the Director of the FBI? Oh my! That takes cojones, amigo! But it shouldn’t if Comey is not to be trusted. These bureaucrats think they are untouchable.

MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN are all paid to lie to the public. MSM wants to control the narrative and they do to a degree. They twist it like Playdough into the shape they want you to see. This is how they make a their money! They are threatened by President Donald J. Trump and his administration.

Hang on because it is going to get worse.

“Never surrender your rights, never give up, never shut up, and keep getting up!” ~ John Nix and the Daily News Fix

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How To Cook A Grilled Cheese Without Burning It…

There is a motive for everything anyone does. I am writing this piece for a reason. This Thursday my wife and I will travel to Washington, DC for the 58th Presidential Inauguration to witness history as our 45th President of these united States of America is sworn in. No, I’ve never been to an Inauguration. Yes, I’m looking forward to being a part of history. No, I’m not excited about the crowds, travel, cost involved, etc. But, I am certain it will be a once in a lifetime experience, worth the effort and every dime, and we’ll have great seats.

We are also attending three(3) Inaugural Balls. Ball #1 is Thursday night, the MAGA Inaugural Ball put on by the YRNF (Young Republican National Federation). I am not that young but I am Republican and we are meeting our friend Roger. This will require Ball Gown #1 for my wife, Michele. I’ll be wearing my Tuxedo to all three affairs with different accessories, of course, and try not to get mustard on my jacket lapel the first night.

Ball #2 is Friday night after the Inauguration. This is one of three Official Inaugural Balls hosted by President Trump and First Lady, Melania. Michele will be breaking out the heavy artillery for this one! She will be the prettiest woman in the room in Ball Gown #2 . Again, I’ll be wearing my Tuxedo, cumberbun and bow tie, and looking as dapper as possible.

Ball #3 is Saturday night, the North Carolina State Society of Washington DC Ball. We’ll be rounding turn number four coming into the home stretch. Ball Gown #3 also looks fabulous on my beautiful wife! I’ll be wearing my Tuxedo with vest and bow tie to match my bride’s gown.

So this is exciting! Left-wing liberal progressive protesters with nothing better to do than blockade checkpoints will be doing what they do best… perpetuating Chaos and Confusion to distract the media and victimized zombie viewers.  READ HERE  George Soros (who aided the Nazi cause) funds a lot of this stuff. Watch HERE

When these idoits call Trump a neo-Nazi just remember George Soros is paying them to push this false narrative. This is the real FAKE NEWS.

Antagonists trying to make a name for themselves like Rep. John Lewis and Bono from U2 don’t care about the success or failure of this nation. They only care about their own popularity. Solution ~ primary Lewis and don’t buy the stupid album or T-shirt.

I know the majority of Americans are looking forward to the next four years. We’ll have a pragmatic, common sense, and business sense President Trump leading the way getting Americans back to work and cutting wasteful government spending. If you want to know how to run a Republic get your notepad and pencil ready and tune in for the next four years. It’s about to get interesting. Donald John Trump, I am certain, is going to right many wrongs. This is what our President-elect knows how to do. He doesn’t cook nor does he do auto repair, he fixes business problems and makes them profitable.

If you want to know how to cook a grilled cheese without burning it, don’t ask Donald Trump. Watch the Food Network or ask a good cook but find the one that does it best!

Good luck Mr. President and Godspeed!

Your Work Is Not Done

We had a benchmark historic election in North Carolina and nationally on November 8, 2016. Many are disappointed Governor Pat McCrory was not re-elected. There are questions looming as to why and further analysis by others will follow. The answer is multifaceted. We’ll do that in another piece.

Voter fraud was exposed, as never before. Will those caught red-handed be prosecuted and will the media cover it?

These felonious crimes need to be exposed but have a tendency to get buried. The last minute federal court reversal of the “Voter ID” bill opened the door for Democrats to promote mass confusion and chaos at polling sites with the same day registration provision. Ethics aside, these Alinsky tactics worked but not well enough this time!

Donald John Trump is our President elect and he is sure to stir things up inside the D.C. belt-line and across the nation.

For the naysayers, those that say his provocative manner and big ideas won’t work, allow me to remind you from whence he came.

He doesn’t beat around the bush and he listens to trusted sources that do what they do best. I look forward to the next four years. What a blessing and comfort it is to have real hope for our children and grandchildren and know they actually have chance to prosper. This was a battle worth fighting! On top of that, we have a Republican Congress to back the President moving forward.

Hold them accountable. It is your job and mine! Remember, this is a Republic, not a Democracy!

Eleven (11) of fifteen (15) NC State Court of Appeals judges are Republican. For the first time since Reconstruction we have a Republican Commissioner of Insurance, Mike Causey, at the helm in North Carolina and a new Republican face, Mark Johnson, leading as Superintendent of Public Instruction. Dale Folwell will serve as Treasurer. Dan Forest will serve his second term as Lt. Governor and will run for Governor in 2020.

But as soon as the dust settled on November 8th, a three judge panel decided it was best for us to have a special election under newly drawn House and Senate lines. They know what is best for you and me, right? Opening the door for more gerrymandering? Maybe? So we’ll have a bigger ballot in 2017 with freshly drawn lines, unless the appeal to the Supreme Court is heard, and won. Don’t you love these last minute Alinsky tactics? Don’t you love the fact that these appointees control your fate, only because they can?

crybabyThere is no time to rest, my Right-minded friends. While we have been celebrating, the progressive left is sharpening their spears and strapping on their armor. You might think I’m being melodramatic, but they are not happy campers and the nastiness will continue.


Our conservative ethics and morals, our Christian belief system, and our world view don’t lend themselves to surprise attacks and prostituting ourselves for a few pieces of silver. We believe in and promote lower taxes, smaller government, personal liberty (less government invention), just to name a few.

The Democratic party has become full blown socialist in their ideals. Just take a look at their platform. I was ridiculed by a long time Democrat leader in a reply by “letter to the editor” earlier this year for an editorial comparing the Republican and Democratic platforms. Righteous Democrat(s) attempting to defend their party just don’t have a leg to stand on. Their “party” has gotten away from them. For instance, how does one claim to be a Christian yet still support a party platform that promotes full term abortion? They say, “I’m a registered Democrat because my Daddy was, and his Daddy was….” Blah, blah blah. My questions to them would be, “Do you agree with full term abortion and a bloated oppressive government? How about open borders? Do you like the idea that roughly half of the population benefits from tax subsidies that you work to provide to them?” READ HERE

No time to rest. This is a time for preparation for the next battle against progressive liberals lying in wait. Seriously, do you think because Republicans won, these folks just accepted it? Nope. You’ll see more soon, like hoodlum NC NAACP President Rev. Wm. Barber marching on the North Carolina General Assembly and getting arrested all for self promotion and free publicity.hoodlum-barber

The Democrat party is the Party of Oppression, plain and simple. Keeping more people on subsidies like food stamps and welfare benefits their leadership. Government is their provider. Low income single mothers will tell you they are leveraged. It’s better financially to stay home and take care of the children. Why would they work and receive less. That is the fault of government and it’s leadership stemming from New Deal era politics and magnified by Johnson administration. george-sorosIt’s a Ponzi scheme low-life leeches like Barber thrive on. His funding sources, George Soros for one, are eaten up with vindictiveness after their loss. They’ll continue to pay Barber to stir the kettle and Barber will continue to line his own pockets with questionable special interest money.

The Democrats work to enslave as many as they can… slaves to the government and tax subsidies while Republican values are just the opposite. Democrats have “Progressively” put more bread on the table of those who will “play along”. Government has become their God. Government continues to take more and more from the honest, hard-working middle class base that wouldn’t think of taking what they didn’t work for. Despicable, but they must feed the machine that feeds them.

Welfare, food stamps and other subsidies are designed as a “hand up, not a hand out”. We have allowed this ethical shift over time. “It’s 100 miles into the woods and 100 miles out”, as they say. Let’s get to walking!


They Are Coming For Your Ballot!

After cyber attacks on a few state election board websites the Obama administration may be forcing it’s hand in a big way. This is quite dangerous for all Americans and not to be taken lightly. The federal government has no jurisdiction over election proceedings. This duty is left to our sovereign states. But what do you know, right? The Obama regime has issued the following statement:

“We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the power grid,”… “There’s a vital national interest in our election process, so I do think we need to consider whether it should be considered by my department and others critical infrastructure,” said Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson

hack the vote

The key words here are “critical infrastucture”…. they are trying to make the case that the states can’t pull off just one more election without help from the federal government. So Obama, the caped crusader, and his Democratic regime are rushing in to “save” the nation from “those bad old hackers” in the name of Cyber security.  This comes two months before the most crucial and defining general election in the history of our nation.

Opinion? For DHS to come in and say “this is what we’re going to do” could be seen as police state activity.

In fact it, the general perception is the Obama regime will do anything to help Hillary win in November…. even forcing control over and rigging this election!

The only legal way the feds could step in and take over election process would be at a state’s request or Congress pass a law. But since there is no time for that and this rogue administration does not respect the law any more than they do you or me, expect another forthcoming “executive order”.

bitch hillary 1

We’ve watched an unqualified vindictive POTUS drive this country into the ground over the last 8 years. If you’ve had enough of the incompetence, his globalist approach to immigration and refugee resettlement, his unwillingness to call out radical Islamic, his repetitive lies…… well you ain’t seen nothing yet. Let Hillary Clinton win this election and we are DONE for as a sovereign nation. Your 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights will be taken. She has already made that promise. This is going to be a real gun fight, friends.